Thursday, December 18, 2008

Republican Party Impotent by Liberal Design

This monologue from Rush Limbaugh says exactly what I have been saying for the last 17 years about the manipulation of the Republican party by liberals. Read it and discover why I left the Republican Party a decade ago.

Rush Responds to General Powell 12/15/2008

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Barack Obama is Time Magazine's Person of the Year

Time Magazine selected Barack Obama as person of the year.


This idiot is person of the year?

Obama did absolutely nothing and he is person of the year?

Even Time Magazine admits that he did nothing and they cite that nothing as the reason for picking him. They said they selected Obama, "For having the confidence to sketch an ambitious future in a gloomy hour, and for showing the competence that makes Americans hopeful he might pull it off."

Unbelievable. They admit he didn't actually do anything but he is person of the year because he has "confidence" enough to dupe millions of Americans into believing in a plan he never discussed. All Obama did in 2008 was spew meaningless campaign slogans. He never once even attempted to explain what "change" he would bring to America or why any "change" was ever needed. He certainly never did anything to "show the competence" required to be President of this country.

Barack Obama won the election only because John McCain gave it to him. McCain was such a poor excuse for a candidate that Obama could not have lost -- yet he almost did anyway. And don't forget Obama is sort of black. His race and how he played the race card were also directly related to his victory. As he framed it, you were racist if you voted for anyone else and you were paying reparations if you voted for Obama. If Obama was not black he would have lost.

Seriously. Obama is person of the year because he successfully manipulated slightly more than 50% of American voters. He literally did nothing else. What about George Bush. He ended a genocide and saved tens of millions of people from extinction. Isn't that the kind of "change" that deserves person of the year? Time Magazine should have at least waited until Obama did something before handing him person of the year on a silver platter.

My prediction: Obama will be person of the year in 2009 and 2010 -- regardless of what he does or does not do.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Prius Worse for the Environment than a Hummer

Over its expected lifetime a Toyota Prius causes more environmental damage than a Hummer. This is mostly due to its manufacturing process but its extremely short lifespan contributes as well.

See the actual "Dust to Dust" study here.

Now, I hate Hummers and their drivers but only because those arrogant a-holes can't park in only one spot and drive the freeways at 90 MPH zipping in and out of cars and tailgating as if they are in a small sports car. I am also appalled at the sheer stupidity of buying something that one year later is worth only half as much. Hummer owners are idiots to say the least.

But, Prius owners are worse. Those pious, self-righteous a-holes deserve the same place in Hell as the Hummer owners. Their superior Earth-saving smugness makes them literally the stupidest people I have ever met. Does anyone really think that you can save the Earth by driving a car that is slightly more fuel-efficient than a regular car? Seriously? These are the same morons who buy carbon offsets. They simply want to feel like they are doing some good. Actually doing any good on the other hand is something they just simply can't be bothered with.

Really, does anyone actually still believe the Earth is even in any danger by humans? That is the ultimate arrogance. Even the bad guys in a James Bond movie with all their money and henchmen can't destroy the Earth. Colossal volcanoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes have only a miniscule impact on the Earth itself; does anyone really think that we can actually destroy the Earth by accident. Is anyone actually that ignorant?

If so, buy a Prius, but if you are even remotely intelligent you would never buy either a Hummer or a Prius. They are both over-priced ego boosters; replacements for a missing self worth. Anyone with even half a brain would avoid both and instead buy a car that is reliable, inexpensive, has low depreciation, and comfortable. Think Honda Civic or Accord for a proper car. Regardless of how you market the issue, no car will ever save or destroy the Earth.