Monday, June 29, 2009

America is a Slave State

I am so tired of people talking about this wonderful free country. Let me be very clear here.


Some of us work very hard and a very large portion of our money (the reward for that hard work) is stolen at gunpoint by our government. That is slavery.

Others don't work at all and they live off the government system; welfare, food stamps, medicaid, etc. They cannot even survive without government assistance. That is slavery.

The government tracks everything we do using traffic cameras, tax returns, employment records, telephone records, census reports, and millions of other data sources. That is slavery.

The government tightly regulates your ability to protect yourself from crime and tyranny. That is slavery.

We cannot act without government involvement or approval. We cannot work, drive, marry, have children, purchase food, watch television, or do ANYTHING else privately and without being monitored, taxed, approved, or all three. That is slavery.

If you are an American you are a slave. If you doubt me stop filing a tax return. Drive a car without government registration. Try buying food without paying tax for the privilege. Try walking a mile without showing up on a camera.

The government decides how much of your wealth it will take. Your government decides whether or not you can have medical care. Your government decides what kind of vehicles you can own, if any. Your government micromanages the smallest detail of your life. Whether you wear a seat belt, eat MSG in your food, paint your house a certain color, protect your family from harm, consume alcohol, or obtain medical care, is all the governments choice; not yours. That is slavery.

The American government has enslaved us. They have made us all into infants who rely on them to either provide, or graciously allow, us to have, food, water, energy, shelter, clothing, transportation, entertainment, protection, and health care at their discretion. The very air you breathe is under the governments control, not yours.

If you think America is a free country you are either a fool or a liar.