There is no war on drugs in America. There never has been and there never will be. This so-called war on drugs in this country is nothing more than a political game to take away our freedom, our self-reliance, and our tax money.
- If there was an actual war on drugs we would CLOSE our borders.
- If there was an actual war on drugs we would DEPORT illegal aliens.
- If there was an actual war on drugs we would build special prison/treatment centers for addicts.
- If there was an actual war on drugs our law enforcement would target high-level drug importers rather than bothering with individual street users.
- If there was an actual war on drugs our laws would have severe enhanced penalties for committing crimes while under the influence.
- If there was an actual war on drugs we would fight back drug sales and drug usage taking place in our neighborhoods.
- If there was an actual war on drugs our police would spend more time patrolling known drug neighborhoods and less time sitting in speed traps browsing the Internet.
- If there was an actual war on drugs our presidents would not brag about using drugs in college.
There is no war on drugs. Claiming so is a political lie.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows our government to erode and violate our Forth Amendment rights and search anyone it chooses on drug-related suspicions.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows our government to imprison or demonize us at will.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows our government to heavily tax us to fight this fictitious war and divert those funds to interest groups and other countries supporting whoever happens to be in office at that time.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows our government to use our taxes and personnel to arm and train the military and police forces of other countries.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows the government to control what legal drugs you can have and how much you can have.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows politicians to spew anti-drug rhetoric out their bloated lie holes to pander to their constituents and to APPEAR to be doing something good in the world.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows our government to maintain a delicate balance of poor and lower middle class people and to keep them completely dependent on government handouts for survival.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows our government to divide Americans by race and to control minorities.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows our government to elevate the manpower, weaponry, vehicles, training, and tactics of law enforcement to military levels.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows our government to ban, tax, and severely restrict our Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms.
No politician in America today actually believes the so-called war on drugs is real. They lie and they do so at your expense for their own personal political gain. The war on drugs provides our government the money, manpower, and political capital they need to fight their real war in this country; a war on prosperity, self-reliance, and liberty.