Thursday, July 30, 2009

Beer Summit: Obama Ignites Racisim in America

Tonight Obama is having his 'Beer Summit' with officer James Crowley who arrested Obama's friend. It is supposed to be some attempt to bridge the racial gap or some ridiculous thing. I have two things to say about this garbage.

First, there was no racial gap in this country until America appointed a racist president Obama to office. He is dividing this country racially and he is resurrecting long-dead racial animosity.

Second, I wish Obama would publicly invite me to the White House for a meeting. My response would be a resounding GO TO HELL. The only way I would ever meet with Obama is if I could publicly reprimand him for tearing this country and our freedom to shreds. Either that or to kick him is the shin or throw my shoe at him.

I would never be Obama's public relations tool.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Truth is the Obamacrats' Deadliest Foe

Tyranny always silences, or at least attempts to silence it critics. The Democrats have created a tyranny in this country and are now attempting to silence the Republicans and their criticism of ObamaCare. If you need further proof of a tyranny in this country just read the news.

Democrats Block GOP Health Care Mailing

This is the kind of thing that will tear this country apart at the seams. Freedom of speech is at the very core of what it once meant to be an American. The Obamacrats* have repeatedly demonstrated their hatred and utter contempt for the Constitution and they will continue doing so unless we stop them.

The truth is the Obamacrats' most powerful enemy and they will take any measures to suppress that enemy.

(* Obamacrats is a term that I just thought of, just now. It means anyone and everyone who follows or tolerates Obama's evil designs. This includes pretty much all Democrats and at least 80% of all Republicans. The term is meant to refer to what has essentially become a one party system in this formerly free Republic.)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

ObamaCare: Either Way, I Will Never Pay

Under Obama's socialized medicine plan, people who choose not to not use it will be fined up to $1000.00 per year. Excuse me? Fined? For not using a government service?

Under Senate Health Care Plan, Either Way you Pay

Seriously, is there anyone, anywhere who actually thinks it is moral to force a person to use a government service he does not want and personally finds completely immoral?

I won't pay this fine. EVER. And I won't sign up or ever use government health care. This is my stand. Fine me and then incarcerate me for not paying the fine. No problem. I can sit in a prison cell for the rest of my life costing the government tens of thousands of dollars every year but I will not sell my soul.

The founding fathers would never pay this fine and I will never pay this fine.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Slavery: Just Make it Official Already

The American government is COMPLETELY and TOTALLY corrupt.

They have enslaved us and we sit back quietly fulfilling their every wish. We have all been enslaved and I, for one, just want it officially declared.

That's right, I am not asking for freedom. That would be impossible under the current regime. I just want slavery made official. Go ahead, take 100% of my income in taxes and give me back whatever you want. Oh, wait --- that is what government already does. They literally take what they want and ALLOW you to keep the remaining portion of your earnings. They decide what portion you will keep and they decide how they will spend the portion they take. Disagree with them only at the point of a gun.

But it is not just that they take anything they want, it is how they waste your money and use your money to pay back those who supported them. A recent report plainly shows the corruption in government by exposing some of the uses for the "stimulus" money. shows the following expenditures:
$5,708,260 FOR 'PROCESS CHEESE'...
$16,784,272 FOR 'CANNED PORK'...
$1,444,100 FOR 'REPAIR DOOR BLDG 5112'...

There is no other way to cut it. Spending YOUR money on wasteful projects and in a clearly wasteful way is corruption. It can't even be mere incompetence. Even a stupid child knows better than to waste money on this level.

If the American government is going to take whatever part of your income and wealth it wants and waste it any way it wants then lets just make it official. If you are a mere citizen of this country and not a politician or some other elite that is above and beyond such oppression then you are a slave. Just come to terms with it already.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Stadium of Fire = Stadium of CRAP

I forgot how abusive and oppressive the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is. Thank you Stadium of Fire for reminding me and refueling a long-dead fire.

I had all but forgotten the various abuses against me over the years by LDS church members such as stealing my property, tormenting me emotionally, physically abusing me, falsely imprisoning me, and even discriminating against me. Leave it up to BYU to remind me.

Thanks Stadium of Fire for reminding me that although the LDS Church is true, its members and even some of its leadership and practices are not.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Airport Security Going Too Far? DUH!

Now people are starting to think the searches of us at the airport are going too far? Give me a break. I have been saying that for decades and now others are finally getting it.

I guess now that liberal drug users are getting caught with illegal drugs they are starting to oppose the oppressive airport searches they once supported. These searches were originally only for weapons and explosives but have crossed into searches for large cash wads, illegal drugs, fake credit cards, prescription drugs, and anything else a low-level relatively untrained government employee deems suspicious.

Over the decades our freedom has slowly eroded I have been one of very few voices decrying ANY encroachment, no matter how small. Now, others seem to be getting the point. I guess most people just don't care about freedom --- until it is completely gone that is.

Too little too late morons. You should have paid attention when you had a chance to prevail.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Federal Agents Hunt for Guns, One House at a Time

I told you this was coming. Door-to-door illegal searches of homes for firearms. Who needs more restrictive gun laws when you have the BATFE?

Read the article here: Federal Agents Hunt for Guns, One House at a Time

These searches raise two serious issues. First, federal agents are violating the law. Yes, I know no actual law still applies to the American government but at least they could pretend like they used to do in the 1980's. Coming to your home after purchasing a firearm or ten is explicitly prohibited by numerous laws and by the at least four Constitutional Amendments. Damn that Constitution again. It almost mattered for a minute there.

Second, the agents are wearing plain clothes. Gangsters wear plain clothes too. And scam artists too. If a person wearing plain clothes came to my door and asked me about what guns I owned my reaction would be to panic. I would assume I am being robbed in a home invasion robbery and I would draw my weapon to defend myself. The most logical reason ANYONE would come to your door and ask about your guns is to rob you. I would not even believe they were federal agents, badges or not, since these searches are so patently illegal.

Prediction: These illegal searches will lead to disaster. They will lead to confiscation of legally purchased and owned firearms, false criminal convictions, and in some cases where people defend themselves thinking they are being robbed, death.