Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Abortion in Obamacare = No More Murderous Choice Morons
The liberals adamantly and even violently fought for the last 40 years to keep government out of their health care (abortion) choices. Now, for some inexplicable reason they want government to decide all of your health care decisions? An illogical move to say the least.
Don't they understand that under Obamacare their right to murder their babies will be governed completely and totally by government? And, as written, judicial oversight over the government decisions is prohibited. Obamacare completely ends the right to abortion and worse, it explicitly preempts any further judicial oversight of the issue. Under Obamacare, Roe v. Wade is as dead as a 12 week fetus in a promiscuous liberal woman with a promising career ahead of her.
They fought for the right to choose and now they fight against the right to choose. Are liberals really this stupid?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Democracy is Dead -- Long Live ObamaCare
The real point is that ObamaCare is a complete and irreversible destruction of the very foundation of America. Our founding fathers created this county to be free. They did not want their government controlling every aspect of their lives. Paradoxically, we now seem to be begging for it. Please, Uncle Sam, give me a job, give me a home, give me health care, tell me how to raise my kids, force me to wear a seatbelt, feed me.
The point of vigorously opposing ObamaCare is not the cost, rationing, or even the euthanasia that will inevitably occur. The point is that allowing your government that final control over your existence will destroy the remnants of the already tattered foundation of democracy itself.
When your government takes your income and distributes it at its whims, democracy no longer exists. Tyranny takes its place. It is tyranny when your government decides whether or not you live or die. It is tyranny when your politicions are so in lockstep with each other that elections become irrelevant. It is tyranny when your government is so corrupt that it lives under a different set of rules than its citizenry. Merely desiring complete control over your life and death is itself tyranny.
If ObamaCare passes, democracy itself is dead. Although, it might be dead already.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
ObamaCare: Government Agents Raising Your Kids
Under ObamaCare, government agents will dictate how you raise your children; including home visitation to indoctrinate you and your children according to government approved standards.
This Dirty Secret No. 1 in Obamacare is designed to undermine American families and to destroy religion. The government has been indoctrinating us for decades and the American population has been very receptive, so why not push to the end? They have spent decades teaching false religions such as multiculturalism, political correctness, global warming, racial division, evolution, and that our Constitutituon is a living breathing document. Ending all independant thought was inevitable.
The bottom line for me is that Government agents will NEVER enter my home to indoctrinate me or my children. I will raise my children and I will teach them my religious beliefs, not the government's false religions.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Obama Looking for Snitches
It says: "There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain e-mails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an e-mail or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to Flag@whitehouse.gov."
Where are we? In America, with George Bush as President, disagreeing is good and even healthy. Remember, it was Hillary, the ice queen herself who said of Bush's presidency, "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic, and we should stand up and say, "WE ARE AMERICANS AND WE HAVE A RIGHT TO DEBATE AND DISAGREE WITH ANY ADMINISTRATION!"
Now, under an Obama ruled country, the rules have changed dramatically. Free speech is suppressed and attacked. Remember Joe the Plumber? Opposing government, even when it is evil in its purest form, is not to be tolerated. According to the Obamacrats you are racist if you oppose Obama, you are stupid if you oppose global warming, and you are cruel if you oppose state-run health care.
Under Obama, if you are not the almighty Obama himself you aren't smart enough to make any choices. He will make them for you. He will decide when, where, how much, and even if you will get health care. He will decide what kind of vehicles you can drive. He will decide how much power you can use in your own home. He will decide how much money you can earn. He will decide how many children you can have. He will decide how much of your wealth he will take and give to his political allies.
You have been enslaved America. Now, behave or be punished.