Friday, March 26, 2010

What the Hell is Wrong With You America?

Americans are morons. They let ObamaCare become law without any actual debate, without an actual vote, and without any constitutionality. What the hell is wrong with you?

McCain stands ups AFTER ObamaCare passed and started complaining about the process and declaring that the republicans will no longer cooperate in the Senate. I have enough to say on those subjects to write a book but for now it is sufficient to say that McCain is a fool, a liar, a traitor, and a coward. The republicans will always cooperate because they are co-conspirators in the destruction of America. They are liberals in sheep's clothing. McCain is so full of himself that he thinks he is a power player rather than a tool of the Obama administration. McCain, you are the worst kind of republican. You tanked your own party in the presidential election and you tanked your country in this health care vote. Standing up AFTER the passage of a patently illegal act of Congress does nothing but make you a puppet.

America, back to you. The truth about ObamaCare is starting to come out and still where are you? Where is the outrage? All I see on TV are the democrats taunting everyone about how righteous they are for passing this illegal and immoral legislation and the republicans pretending to be upset and in the same breath claiming that some of the health care bill is good and that we need now to merely fix it. Are you kidding me?

Let me be crystal clear about government mandated, controlled, or subsidized health care. The answer for a truly free America is a resounding NO! NEVER!

Let the free market handle health care and anything else for that matter and you will see unparalleled efficiency and affordability. Health care costs are high now not because of lawsuits or malpractice insurance but because the government pays for it. The issue really is that simple. Get all government out and the system will flourish. The purpose of government is supposed to be to protect the state from all threats, foreign and domestic. In a free society government cannot provide for its citizens. At the moment it does, citizens turn to subjects.

The only solution to fixing ObamaCare is to REPEAL the ever-loving crap out of it. Anything less is enslavement of the American people, whether they know it or not.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Just Embrace ObamaCare Already --- NOT!!!

Here is a thought.

I was initially going to oppose ObamaCare - to the death. I was planning to oppose it, never enroll or give them my information, openly refuse to pay the fines, and let the government imprison me for refusing to insure myself through their fascist plan. Now I am considering another approach to my impending enslavement.

Maybe it would be more effective to embrace rather than oppose ObamaCare. I could go to the doctor once a week, get numerous prescriptions for every ailment under the sun, and have as many surgeries as I can bear. Since ObamaCare is going to pass regardless of its illegality and regardless of its unpopularity, we have two choices. Either fight and die or embrace the horrific changes and bankrupt the whole system. Either way Obama -- not the people -- wins.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

You Will Comply

John Hood of the Carolina Journal online has openly declared that if ObamaCare becomes a reality he will not comply because ObamaCare will not legally become law. I applaud this decision and Mr. Hood's spot-on analysis of why ObamaCare is, in fact, illegal. Nonetheless, I am sorry to tell you John, resistance is futile. You will comply.

ObamaCare will become law. Yes, it will be done illegally without a proper vote. Yes, it will be done in the dead of night over the weekend when no one is paying attention. And, yes, it will be done against the will of the American people. But make no mistake about it. ObamaCare is coming and nothing short of a full-blown revolution will stop it.

As for the compliance of the people, that is all but assured. Under ObamaCare you will be required to report your health insurance status to the IRS and you will be fined for failing to obtain government mandated coverage. If you fail to report, or you fail to be covered, you will be convicted of a crime and you will get ObamaCare during your stay in federal prison.

Even if there was some way you could stay off ObamaCare without becoming a criminal you would still find yourself, and your family, denied medical care. Providers will simply refuse to treat you if you fail to provide them with your Social Security Number and proof that you are a loyal subject with Obama-approved insurance. They will let you die if necessary.

I support you 100% John, and I hope ObamaCare dies. Otherwise, you and I will be forced to choose between capitulating to a patently corrupt government or risking our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor opposing it.