Saving energy is ludicrous. In a stupid effort to go green, for example, Great Britain has already banned 100 watt incandescent light bulbs and the plazma TV.
Let me say this as clearly as I can. We should not be working so hard to save energy. Saving energy allows government to pass oppressive and expensive laws which effectively control every aspect of your life in one way or another. They will decide if you can have light and then how much and when you can have it. They will decide how large your refrigerator will be if they allow you to own one at all. And they will decide how much air conditioning (if any) you will get in the summer and how much heat (if any) you will get in the winter. My advice -- buy a sweater.
The answer to an energy shortage is so much easier that saving energy anyway. Simply produce more energy. But not government. People. If more people had privately owned power sources all energy shortages would be solved. Power would flow cheaper and easier than it does now and no one could control your power usage except for you.
An average household could meet all its needs and more with solar and wind power if the government would allow it. We would be free from the grid, free from government control of our power usage amount, and free from someone else dictating the types of devices we could use.
A government is a dictatorship when it oppresses the people with ridiculous laws aimed at a problem the government itself created when a better, cheaper, and less oppressive solution is available. As long as government controls your energy they control you.
Welcome to the dark ages.