California is stealing taxpayers' refunds!!!
This is fantastic. First of all, most people who get refunds are really getting a windfall. For them not to get that windfall is just simple justice. For those who actually paid some taxes and they are being deprived of their rightful overpayment, that is simple injustice. The simple reality here, however, is that income taxes are the epitome of injustice. Indeed, taxing a person's income is not simply unjust; it is evil
What really matters here though are those withheld refunds from the people who did not even pay taxes. Those people, the serfs with their greedy, lazy, unwashed hands out, will be the source of the any civil unrest over this issue. Their outrage for not having other peoples' income redistributed to them will cause outrage. There will be some outrage over the stolen overpayments too but those people are hard-working, family oriented, and clean themselves they won't riot over the issue. They will sue however.
My predictions if California actually holds these refunds for a year or more.
1. People whose "refunds" were actually more than they paid in taxes will gather and demonstrate and possibly even riot.
2. California will change its tax code or pass some other law allowing it to keep the refunds permanently.
3. Even after passing a law to allow it to keep the refunds permanently, California will still give "refunds" to those who who never actually paid taxes. It is only the actual overpayments of those who paid that will be kept. Redistribution of wealth will NEVER shrink. Duh.
One final point. Income tax is theft pure and simple. But, when the government violates its own oppressive and confiscatory laws like California has done you know real tyranny is right over your shoulder.