Google had a link to send questions to President Obama. Here is my question posted a few minutes before this post.
"Your presidency parallels that of Adolph Hitler and you have blatantly and repeatedly violated our Constitution. Do you plan eventual genocide as he did or will you instead change your direction midstream and give us back our sacred freedom?"
The website did not have any categories for freedom, genocide, slavery, or oppression so I placed my question in all the other categories. Now, if I disappear or die in an "accident" you will know its because the supreme overlord thug Obama sent his goons to silence me.
If I am ever clear about anything let it be this. I cherish freedom and I am not afraid to speak in its behalf. Obama can send thugs to harass AIG employees, he can pay off Acorn for the fraudulent votes they obtained for him, and he can control every American through intimidation, bribery, or flattery but ONLY DEATH WILL SILENCE ME!
I truly hope Obama fails because if he succeeds in initiating even half of his goals he will trigger a very bloody war in this country; which by the way, is exactly what he wants.