Genocide is coming soon. The first steps are already in place. We have the Patriot Act that allows government to spy on and control the movements of its law-abiding citizens -- any constitutional or privacy issues be damned. We have government mandated health care, government controlled banking, education, health, automotive, energy, government attacking private citizens who disagree with the fascist agenda of the current regime, and government controlled media. You can't take a single step if this government doesn't want you to.
With such an oppressive infrastructure in place, the next logical step is registration of people and that is exactly what is coming soon. That's right democrats want to institute a federal identification system including biometric information about each and every American subject.
Genocide seems quite strong though doesn't it? Nope. Once the identification system takes place you will be dead unless you comply. Without the government identification you will be denied health care (remember they control that too). You will be denied the right to drive, to fly, or to use public transportation which for most of us will prevent us from working. But despite having no job, you won't get welfare, social security, medicare, or medicaid either. You may not be rounded up in the streets by roving security forces (but don't dismiss that possibility outright either) but you will be allowed to starve to death or die from a medical condition.
This will not be genocide against an ethnic group or religion (though don't rule out that possibility) but it will be genocide against anyone who believes in liberty enough to resist such oppression. Political dissenters are dead under the policies of this regime. The dictators of history would be proud.
And by the way, watch for strict gun control measures next. Gun control will be based on government mandated health care on the false premise that guns are dangerous to our national health and the regime will track gun owners through this federal identification.