Election day is tomorrow and I am not excited at all. Others will be however. Republicans will celebrate because they see the inevitable republican sweep of the House as a republican victory. Socialist democrats, communists, and fascists will secretly celebrate because they see a republican sweep as a small cog in their manipulation of the American people. They WANT republicans to win; this time.
The manipulation is obvious and has been on-going for decades. Socialists infiltrate the republican party and push the entire party to the center when they can and they allow republicans to win elections to pass them the blame for their failed and oppressive socialist policies.
Obama will celebrate the republican victory tomorrow. Its part of his master plan. Obama wants this country in chaos. He wants riots in the streets, food lines, gas shortages, widespread power outages, and general death and destruction. But what he wants most is to be able to blame that chaos on republicans.
That's how he governs. Create a problem, re-write history and blame the republicans for creating your problem, and then run for the next election on the promise that you will clean up the very problem that you created. Couple that with widespread election fraud and you have yourself an unqualified community organizer (whatever that means) for a president.
When republicans win tomorrow they will celebrate, but so will Obama. With republicans in the majority he can, and certainly will, blame his failed economic and social policies on them. Let the blame begin and bring on 2012 already.