The Republicans took office yesterday and the job market news headlines have suddenly turned negative. Coincidence? Not a chance.
Over the past two years unemployment has risen out of control and even under the democrats manipulated statistics, was much higher than is acceptable. Nonetheless, news headlines on the issue have been neutral to positive before today. Now, with republicans taking over the House of Representatives, the media has predictably switched to negativity over the jobs market. Doom and gloom are the watchwords even though the job market is actually, miraculously, and ever so slightly, improving.
I shouldn't belabor the point, but I warned you this would happen. I predicted that as soon as republicans had some majority they would be blamed for all of America's problems. The democrats will do it and the media will do it -- every time.
The more disturbing point is that republicans will let them distort the facts and republicans will take the blame. They always do. For some reason they are unwilling and incapable of defending themselves and have some supernatural ability to absorb blame for everything negative -- whether they are actually to blame or not. Combine that with the fact that nothing ever sticks to democrats and now we will have to suffer through another four years of Barry Obama as President when republicans get him re-elected in 2012.
So here is my sarcastic thank you in advance to all those republicans who just took office and will most certainly fail to controvert the inevitable media spin against them, for their uncanny ability to compromise away our freedom under the guise of bipartisanship, and for getting Obama re-elected in 2012.
Thank you, you sons of a motherless goat.