The federal government is planning to put a black box data recorder in every passenger vehicle in America. To this I say not a chance. I will never install these on my cars and I will disable/destroy them on any cars I buy in the future.
I for one will not have my every movement tracked. And it is not about the old moronic saying that "law-abiding citizens have nothing to fear from government intrusion." Its about liberty. Either we have it or we don't and I say any government that would even consider mandating data recorders in all vehicles is a tyranny. Whether this passes or not is irrelevant. My point is that even having such an obviously oppressive law under consideration in a supposedly free country is tyranny. Our elected officials should not even dare mention such oppression. They should fear us enough to shake from terror for even thinking about trying to force us to live in an Orwellian society.
There is only one legitimate red-blooded American response to this tyranny. We must stop it. Now. The federal government has fired enough shots across our bows for us to finally respond in kind. It is time to take back our liberty and remove these tyrants once and for all.
"My Uncle has a country place, that no one knows about ..."
Friday, May 27, 2011
Welcome to 1984 -- Again
data recorder,
Red Barchetta,