The American government is completely and irrevocably corrupt. The solution to such corruption is as Thomas Jefferson once said, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." So where are you America? Where are the protests? Where is the outrage?
Yes, I am livid that this government just approved increasing the debt ceiling. I am even more livid that they are so corrupt they did so without making any real cuts and after we elected a slew of conservatives based solely on their promises to fight this sort of corruption. Maybe since they didn't pinky promise we should cut them some slack.
It is unbelievable that everyone from the guy down the street to the largest corporation somehow has to live within their means but government never even attempts to do so. How dare they take more from us and then lie to us about their intentions. In the colonial age even hinting at this kind of oppression would have resulted in mass marches on the capital and a widespread refusal to pay these oppressive and misused taxes. A righteous government would never even consider, let alone repeatedly pass measures that abuse the very people to which it is supposed to be accountable. Yet here we are.
These crooks so eagerly subject us to to increased regulation and taxation without any accountability at all that the only way to describe what they are doing to us is enslaving us. There is no other argument to counter that point. The American government fits the description of tyranny to the letter. It never gets smaller or less oppressive; EVER.
If it weren't for the ignorant masses being distracted by drugs, sex, television, and the Internet America might actually be able to fight back. Don't hold your breath though. Since only half the population pays taxes while the other half collects entitlement checks its no wonder we have an ignorant, narcissistic, criminal a-hole for a president. No one even seems to notice let alone care. A generation of intoxicated single parents seems to be running the country from their government-funded housing. How else can such ignorance and apathy be explained?
By raising this debt ceiling and refusing to make cuts Obama and your newly elected congress that was supposed to oppose him, have dramatically compromised your future, bound you to repay hundreds of thousands of dollars you haven't even earned yet, and outright destroyed the American dream.
So suck it America. Until you are are ready to refresh the tree of liberty, suck it.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Tree of Liberty
debt ceiling,
suck it America,
Thomas Jefferson,
tree of liberty,