Friday, October 14, 2011

TSA Parody is Verbotten

The Transportation Security Administration is mad at us lowly subjects and now Congress has stood by their loving Gestapo.

No kidding, congress is considering a bill that would outlaw any parody of the TSA.

Apparently, they want to harass and molest us without fear of backlash from Saturday Night Live.

Well, I have news for you TSA and congress; piss off. If this bill passes I will make TSA videos, sell TSA t-shirts, and just generally mock the TSA every chance I get. I will paint my car in TSA colors with mocking slogans and drive around at the airport if necessary to make my point.

You are declaring war on not only the First Amendment but on common sense. I accept your declaration of war and I bet thousands of others will also accept.

And by the way, a righteous government would never be afraid of criticism. Hitler was though.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Geez Burgermeister, Just Ban All of the Toys Already

The European Union has almost banned toys. I say go ahead and ban them all you morons.

Under new EU regulations children are banned from blowing up balloons or blowing into party whistles. The new regulations also regulate magnetic fishing games and teddy bears too. Yes, I know this is so ridiculous it sounds like I am making it up, but I am not.

This is something to take very seriously despite the ludicrous nature of the regulations. Any governmental agency that seeks to micromanage your life should be summarily and permanently abolished. Whether or not my child blows a whistle, inflates a balloon, or owns a non-washable teddy bear is my decision not yours. Government should not feel empowered to raise my children and if it is willing to make these types of regulations it is willing to do literally anything in the name of safety.

For example, why not euthanize any children in a family over one, the elderly, and disabled people in the name of safety. They are the ones getting hurt more often so they, like balloons and whistles, should be eliminated. No more broken hips, siblings bumping heads together, or back injuries pushing your spouse's wheelchair around sounds like the EU's version of a safe society.

Why not just mandate everyone wear helmets at all times and outlaw tanning beds, sports, and motor vehicles altogether if you really want safety. No, once again the government is lying. This is not about safely it is about tyranny and to that I say, mission accomplished.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Impeach Already -- Murder is a High Crime Isn't It?

Impeach Obama already. He has clearly acted against the best interests of the United States and its allies and he has reduced its citizens to mere subjects of his crown. What more do you need?

How about MURDER. That's right he ordered and carried out the premeditated murder of an American citizen. That counts as a high crime or misdemeanor to me.

What you subjects need to care about most, however, is now that Obama has murdered an American citizen and refuses to produce ANY legal justification for doing so. His administration has created a precedent that allows the United States President to kill ANYONE for any reason. Yes all capitals is appropriate here. I am shouting this one until Obama kills me. It is only a matter of time after all.

If it is legal for the president to murder anyone he chooses, this country is not even arguably free. Even King George and most modern dictators bother with a mock trial before killing their subjects. Obama has not even tried to legally justify his actions. Wait for the cover-up though. It is surely coming.