The answer is pretty clear if you are paying attention. The FBI has already branded you a possible enemy combatant for simply buying disaster preparation supplies, paying for food with cash, and changing your clothes. Now, Obama has granted himself the power to kill you. That makes America a dictatorship no matter how much you try to limit the definition and no matter how far you stretch the so-called "war on terror" excuse. Moreover, according to Jeh Johnson, an attorney for the Obama administration has said, "only the executive branch, not the courts, are equipped to make decisions about who qualifies as an enemy."
No kidding America. The executive branch, meaning the President, can kill you and only the executive branch can determine whether or not that murder is justified. And as I pointed out in my last post, Congress is seeking to repeal the entire Bill of Rights and replace it with military rule over American citizens on American soil. If these incredible power grabs by your government do not send chills down your spine and conjure up images of Kristallnacht style military death squads roaming our streets then you are a fool.
No, I don't care if that offends you. It is foolish to conclude that a government claiming the power to arbitrarily execute its own subjects as enemy combatants and to use military force on its own soil to enforce that right won't use such power. That is patently ignorant. No government in history has ever wielded such power without exercising it.