I was recently sent a shocking video showing Judge Judy berate a moron in her court for fleecing the welfare system. He was also mooching off his girlfriend. This guy was so dumb that Judge Judy sent the tape of this nose-wiping crook to Congress. Then to top it off the girlfriend who was suing him for rent didn't pay it herself and was quickly thrown out of court as a result. Just so you know, in my court these useless imbeciles would get the same treatment only louder.
The real point here though is that Congress not only doesn't care that healthy people are living off the system instead of working for a living. Congress created this guy and millions more like him. That's the way it is and that's the way they like it. Our ruling government wants dependents. That has been the whole plan since income taxation was born. That is why I have been screaming that taxation is slavery. And no, it is not about the redistribution of wealth. It is about control. Taking income one person earned at gunpoint or threat of imprisonment (IRS) is slavery. What government does with the money doesn't change that pure simple fact. Being forced to work for the state's benefit and having no choice in the matter is slavery in its purest form.
Don't think that taxpayers are the only victims here either. The recipients of government handouts are also slaves. Recipients of these so-called entitlement programs are infantilized by government so they cannot fend for themselves. Even if they wanted to support themselves, over generations they forget how.
The answer is what I have been saying all along. Abolish ALL forms of income taxation and phase out ALL entitlement programs.