Thursday, March 14, 2013

Obama to Allow Spies Access to Your Bank Accounts -- And Why Not

I just read a recent article reporting that Obama's administration is planning to allow United States spy agencies access to Americans' banking accounts.  Seriously?!?

My first thought, other than how tired I am of this administration, is why does Obama think he has the right to provide access to MY bank accounts to anyone?  The answer is way too simple; he does have that right!  Yes, I said it, Obama has the RIGHT to provide access to my financial accounts to anyone he pleases.  That is what a dictator does.  HE has rights to your property, your labor, your time, and your very life and you DO NOT!  

Oh well, this really is just another link  in Obama's chains of tyranny.  Why not have access to our bank accounts?  He already took away our health care, taxed us into oblivion, drove up food, gas, and energy prices, destroyed the value of our 401k's, tightly controls the media, created and heavily armed a civilian army against us, oh, and did I mention he also marked us all for death?

After all that (and I am sure I forgot lots of other lost rights) why not take over complete control of our finances as well?  It just makes sense.  I  have been warning people about this destruction of EVERYTHING for decades.  This is not new.  Frankly, I am surprised he waited so long.

To Obama I say, go to hell.  To anyone, alive or dead who voted for this moron, I say the same.  Yes, I believe a tremendous amount of voter fraud occurred to get this ignorant jerk elected and then re-elected.

To any law-abiding American subjects reading this I say enjoy whatever liberty you think you have left while you can because I can say with all certainty that it is nothing more than illusion.  You are not free.  Not even close.  Enjoy the illusion anyway.

To all of you who say, "well you are free to express your opinion about these issues on this blog" keep in mind, Obama doesn't even know this blog exists.  If he ever does it won't anymore, he can promise you that.      


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