Government mandated health care violates the United States Constitution.
Government mandated health care violates my First Amendment right to freely exercise my religion since it forces me to pay for abortions and to redistribute wealth against my will both of which violate my religious beliefs.
Obamacare violates my Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms since it will be used to infringe on those rights (forcing me to disclose ownership, storage practices to doctors, etc.) under the guise of health care. This one actually already happens at my kids pediatrician, it is just not forced yet.
Obamacare violates my Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable governmental intrusions. Indeed, my entire medical history and condition will be at the government's fingertips and CONTROL.
It violates my Fifth Amendment right to not incriminate myself in criminal matters. Anything I say to a government owned doctor will surely not be private.
It violates my Eighth Amendment right to not have cruel or unusual punishments be inflicted upon me. For government to determine what care, if any, you will receive is certainly cruel and unusual. Moreover, the threat of criminal penalties and imprisonment for failing to fully participate in government controlled health care is also plainly cruel and unusual. The punishment does not even remotely fit the crime which should not even exist.
Government mandated health care also violates the Ninth and Tenth Amendments which EXPLICITLY PROHIBIT the federal government from infringing the rights of the people that are not specifically enumerated. Those rights include my right to choose my own health care, to not have my wealth redistributed against my will, to not have my health care rationed, to keep my medical conditions private, and to live in a free market as the founders intended.
Remember, the Constitution is an enumeration of powers granted BY THE PEOPLE to the federal government. Nothing in the Constitution even arguably grants the government the power to force the people to purchase anything against their will, especially under the threat of criminal imprisonment.
What about the commerce clause you ask? The commerce clause does not provide any authority for government mandated health care. It merely provides a mechanism to assure uniformity in interstate commerce. The Supreme Court has gone way too far with interpreting how much regulation the government can do but forcing people to purchase a government operated and controlled commodity IS COMPLETELY UNPRECEDENTED.
Never before throughout all recorded history has a government ever had laws in place that punish people criminally for merely existing.