The Associated Press hired 11 people to fact check Sarah Palin's new book. In contrast, they hired ZERO people to fact check Obama's book.
This is significant for two reasons. First, this reveals the true character of liberalism and its destructive nature. Liberals entire purpose is to destroy everything around them except themselves. They do not want the truth and they do not want anyone other than themselves to grow or prosper.
Second, liberals hate the truth and they hate ANYTHING that exposes the truth. They fear Palin because the truth is that America is more like her than it is like Obama. Indeed, if America was paying any attention at all they would realize that Obama is completely the opposite of everything for which our founding fathers fought and died.
When he speaks try counting the amount of times he uses the words freedom or liberty in the context of the American people having any. He never does. EVER.
Palin is a wake up call to the liberal establishment that they will cease to exist if the truth is actually told. Palin against Obama would be no contest if the truth ever gets out. Indeed, if the presidential election could occur today Palin would win by a Reaganesque landslide.