Friday, April 30, 2010

Genocide Coming Soon

Genocide is coming soon. The first steps are already in place. We have the Patriot Act that allows government to spy on and control the movements of its law-abiding citizens -- any constitutional or privacy issues be damned. We have government mandated health care, government controlled banking, education, health, automotive, energy, government attacking private citizens who disagree with the fascist agenda of the current regime, and government controlled media. You can't take a single step if this government doesn't want you to.

With such an oppressive infrastructure in place, the next logical step is registration of people and that is exactly what is coming soon. That's right democrats want to institute a federal identification system including biometric information about each and every American subject.

Genocide seems quite strong though doesn't it? Nope. Once the identification system takes place you will be dead unless you comply. Without the government identification you will be denied health care (remember they control that too). You will be denied the right to drive, to fly, or to use public transportation which for most of us will prevent us from working. But despite having no job, you won't get welfare, social security, medicare, or medicaid either. You may not be rounded up in the streets by roving security forces (but don't dismiss that possibility outright either) but you will be allowed to starve to death or die from a medical condition.

This will not be genocide against an ethnic group or religion (though don't rule out that possibility) but it will be genocide against anyone who believes in liberty enough to resist such oppression. Political dissenters are dead under the policies of this regime. The dictators of history would be proud.

And by the way, watch for strict gun control measures next. Gun control will be based on government mandated health care on the false premise that guns are dangerous to our national health and the regime will track gun owners through this federal identification.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sarah Palin for Vice President: Part I

This is Part One of a series I will write on Sarah Palin for Vice President. The point of this series is to vent my frustration with how poorly she managed her last campaign and to discuss the incompetence of her advisers. If she follows my advice she will be the next Vice President of this country, if it still exists by the next presidential election in 2012.

Tip #1. Stop letting everyone kiss you when you come on stage. Men don't kiss each other under the same circumstances and it is degrading to a presidential candidate, male or female, to be kissed on the cheek just for entering a room. Keep degrading yourself in that manner and you will never win.

Tip# 2. Stop talking in that "folksy" manner. It too is degrading and stereotypes you as stupid, which you are certainly not. Speak clearly and concisely without the local jargon. It is not endearing and does not make you fit in more with the common man. Keep speakin' like ya just fell off a turnip truck and ya will never win.

Tip #3. Do not run with a moderate like Romney or McCain. To us actual conservatives moderate means liberal and we will not vote for you with one on your ticket. McCain killed your chances of winning the last election. He refused to campaign with any vigor at all and because of his moderate (i.e. liberal) position, lost you votes. Indeed, the only reason McCain was so close last election was because of you. Seriously, to me it looked like McCain threw the election purposely. Romney, like McCain, is a liberal to the core. He is the architect of government forced health care and he will never get the conservative vote. Lose the moderates or lose the race.

That's it for now. More tips for Sarah Palin coming soon.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Health Care Micromanagment is Here

Well, it has begun. The federal government has its health care plan and is starting its enslavement of the American people off right.

First, the FDA is talking about regulating salt. Yes, salt. Its justification is that Americans have not voluntarily reduced their salt intake despite 40 years of its warnings that too much salt is unhealthy. Seriously, its justifying controlling our salt intake on the grounds that you have no self-control. I guess next to the guns and ammo now I have to horde salt too.

Our federal overlords are also threatening to regulate our kids' diets more closely on the grounds that our kids are too fat and are therefore a security risk because they can't serve in the military.

Where am I? Is any of this crap really happening? I truly cannot believe any of us let our government even discuss what we or our children eat let alone actually trying to regulate it. I, for one, will not allow anyone else to dictate my diet. Not my doctor, not my wife, and certainly not my government. I will eat as I please.

The weird part is that when I saw these two news stories on television last night the newscasters did not even remotely seem bothered. They did not seem supportive either mind you but they were certainly not against such government control. And, yes they usually show a bias for or against such things depending on which party is pushing the agenda. They are hardly neutral. In fact, I would bet that if a Republican president tried to push the same regulations it would somehow be an outrage to these media elites.

I wonder how much oppression the American people will take. My guess is a lot more. I also wonder if black market salt will have the potency of the real thing or whether it will be diluted somehow to increase its street value.