Others are joining me and fighting the TSA on these issues. Drudge today, in fact, is littered with headlines about these battles.
Here are a few:
TSA Hit With Lawsuits As Revolt Explodes
EDITORIAL: Big Sister's police state
TSA's tyrannical tactics threaten American freedoms
State-sponsored Sexual Harassment
I like the idea of lawsuits and mass-refusals to submit but I have several other resistance ideas that would be more fun.
-- Married couples could frisk each other in line as a demonstration of the sexual nature of such intrusions. The great part here is that the couple would be arrested for indecency even though they are engaging in the same conduct that is REQUIRED by the TSA.
-- Someone could show up in nothing but a trench coat (full on naked underneath) and tell the TSA agents you did it for them. This too would result in arrest even though the naked X-ray machine is actually worse as it takes a photo of your nude body rather than merely exposing it for a few seconds.
-- People could just start moaning in a sexual manner as the agents grope. Awkward, yes but definitely hilarious.
-- People could wear t-shirts that say things like "My grandpa went to Hawaii and all I got was this lousy t-shirt ... AND GROPED," "TSA agents do it better," or "Don't touch my junk!"
-- Carry your own rubber gloves for the agent to use or better yet tell the agent to take his off because hands are more sensitive without gloves.
-- Go through the line over and over again to see how many times you can before the TSA snaps and arrests you.
Regardless of which form of resistance you choose, my point cannot be overstated. It is against my religion to photograph me naked and it is against my religion to allow strangers to touch me sexually. Incidentally, such acts are also against my religion when done to children. Now, I understand that the government doesn't care about my religious beliefs and that it simply wants to oppressively control its subjects. Nonetheless, these intrusions mean something to me.
Now I know that many other people of my same religion do not consider these TSA measures problematic but they are dead wrong. They are also missing the point that groping and photographing people nude against their will are illegal acts when done under any other circumstances.
I hope you all resist in some way. Whether on religious, privacy, safety, or modesty grounds, this issue is simple. We simply cannot allow our government to sexually abuse us or our children. I personally will never allow either to happen to me or my children.