Friday, November 2, 2012

Government Can't (or Won't) Save You

Hurricane Sandy is a valuable lesson but, unfortunately, that lesson will be completely ignored by this country.  What can we possibly learn, you ask?  The answer is simple.  Never rely on government for your survival.
Here are some recent articles:

They Forgot About Us
Drivers Waiting for 6 Hours to Buy Gas
Mile Long Lines and $6.00 a Gallon
'We Need Food, We Need Clothing' Staten Island Residents Plead for Help

Hurricane Sandy has basically crippled parts of our moronically liberal North East.  That is awesome.  These idiots didn't prepare so they are now out of gasoline, food, and clean water.  No I am not enjoying the suffering of these people but I am enjoying that their liberal policies are once again proven to fail.
The various federal, state, and local governments are doing virtually nothing to help these people and the people have spent so many years relying on these governments for food, shelter, clothing, power, and everything else under sun that they are incapable of providing for themselves.  Instead they are stealing from each other, attacking each other, and freaking out that their government has abandoned them.  And even better is that the anti-gun policies for which they voted have now disarmed them so they cannot protect themselves from such crime.   

Vote conservative next time. 

Conservatives prepare for such disasters.  We save, plan, and ultimately rely on ourselves, not government, to protect, shelter, and feed us.  We persevere and rebuild, not complain in the face of disaster.  Most importantly though, we arm ourselves.  We are not helpless victims and we do not beg.  We help others who are hungry and cold and we protect those that cannot protect themselves.  If a disaster of this magnitude happened in Idaho, Wyoming, or Utah you can bet the resulting crimes would be much lower than in liberal states and the outcry for government assistance would be a far quieter affair.

Unfortunate, these liberals are, by definition, idiots.  They will continue to look to government to save them and even though he parties with celebrities and flies around the world while they suffer in the streets these liberal idiots will re-elect their king Obama, next week. 

So what have we learned here today?  Sadly, nothing.  Conservatives reading this article already knew the lessons discussed and the liberals reading it never will.      

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