Why would a government entity need to do such a thing you ask? The ONLY possible answer is tyranny. Think about it. No legitimate police activity justifies the use of military equipment being used against citizens.
Riot control you say. Really?!? Yes, riots can be controlled with such vehicles but riots are best controlled by not screwing around with people's freedom. Riot control starts by doing what the people who elected you want you to do. Remember when America was a country of the people, by the people, for the people? I don't.
And keep in mind that the same Department of Homeland Security (Gestapo) also recently purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition. Is pistol ammunition even arguably a moral or just riot deterrent? I think not.
The simple fact is this; your government is preparing for a war on its own soil against YOU. No other reasonable explanation exists. None. They know that the American people will fight a gun ban; they know the American people will fight food, fuel, and energy rationing; and they know the American people will fight to freely worship in the religion of their own choice. The government has known these inescapable facts for two and a half centuries and now doesn't really care. If it wasn't so horrifying it would be funny. All the things that make us "American" are directly and openly threatened by the American government. The very entity charged by law to protect us is the one that threatens us the most.
This is why I have argued for years that the most important, and unfortunately underrated, Amendment to the Constitution is the Third which abolishes the quartering of troops among us. Make no mistake, that is what is happening here. The government is quartering troops among us even though doing so is patently unconstitutional -- and EVIL.
The truth is easy to see as long as you actually look. Your government is coming for your guns, life, liberty, and religion and when it does, it will come violently and mercilessly. Why else would it so actively be arming itself?
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