Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Direct Taxes Will Set America Free

America is not free. Anyone who disagrees with me please challenge me on the issue. There is not one single aspect of your life that is not controlled, approved, or taxed by your government in some way. That is intolerable oppression.

The problem is apathy. No one pays attention to these controls or taxes so either no one cares or they do not even know it is happening. As long as people feel free it does not matter to them that they are not. And, America fosters apathy rather than defeats it. Education, media, and the courts are all controlled by liberals who have carefully crafted these institutions over the decades into creating a mindless populace. Most "conservative" sources have even started leaning left in the last few decades.

My solution to this apathy is really simple. I propose an amendment to our federal Constitution that requires the government agencies who tax us to tax us directly. No more bundling taxes into your phone, power, water, and cable bills. No more withholding from your paycheck. No more financing sales tax into your car payment. No more concealing taxes into the price of gas and cigarettes. Under my solution, all taxes must be billed directly from the responsible government agency.

Think about the aftermath.

Within only two or three months after receiving dozens of bills for dozens of taxes from dozens of different government entities this country would revolt. Many would be unable to pay their monthly income taxes because they are so oppressively high and hardly anyone would buy a house or car knowing that a lump sum tax bill is immediately due.

More importantly, Americans would be paying attention. Imagine the accountability this Amendment would create. Every penny in tax increases would be immediately felt and people would become far more attentive to all government actions.

Would anyone at all even tolerate taxes at their current rates if they had to see them and pay them separately? No way.

If we want to be free we have to end apathy. Our Constitution should encourage awareness and require governmental honesty. If they want to tax us into destruction make them do it openly.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Turn On for Earth Hour

Earth hour is tomorrow so I just wanted to post a quick reminder.

Please turn on all your lights and appliances from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. so that we can remind that arrogant Mother Earth that it is her duty to provide us energy. We own her and she serves us. A brightly lit house with a few bundles of Christmas lights on the porch should send the proper message. Let's never let Earth forget that mankind is her superior. Indeed, if she ever defies us again we should probably consider destroying her outright. Of course, we all know that mankind is completely incapable of actually destroying the Earth but that can be our little secret.

In any event, if Mother Earth doesn't get the hint from all those lights on at my house maybe the liberal eco-idiots who want to control my usage of energy will. Live free or die.

California is Racist

California wants to ban black cars. Seriously. Black cars.


The fact that California is banning black cars doesn't actually surprise me at all. In fact, I am surprised they aren't banning white cars. Those crackers blind me with their highly reflective white superiority.

For the record, I drive two gray cars since I believe in judging a car by its character, not its color.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Obama Will Send Goons For Me Now

Google had a link to send questions to President Obama. Here is my question posted a few minutes before this post.

"Your presidency parallels that of Adolph Hitler and you have blatantly and repeatedly violated our Constitution. Do you plan eventual genocide as he did or will you instead change your direction midstream and give us back our sacred freedom?"

The website did not have any categories for freedom, genocide, slavery, or oppression so I placed my question in all the other categories. Now, if I disappear or die in an "accident" you will know its because the supreme overlord thug Obama sent his goons to silence me.

If I am ever clear about anything let it be this. I cherish freedom and I am not afraid to speak in its behalf. Obama can send thugs to harass AIG employees, he can pay off Acorn for the fraudulent votes they obtained for him, and he can control every American through intimidation, bribery, or flattery but ONLY DEATH WILL SILENCE ME!

I truly hope Obama fails because if he succeeds in initiating even half of his goals he will trigger a very bloody war in this country; which by the way, is exactly what he wants.