Friday, November 2, 2012
Government Can't (or Won't) Save You
Hurricane Sandy is a valuable lesson but, unfortunately, that lesson will be completely ignored by this country. What can we possibly learn, you ask? The answer is simple. Never rely on government for your survival.
Here are some recent articles:
They Forgot About Us
Drivers Waiting for 6 Hours to Buy Gas
Mile Long Lines and $6.00 a Gallon
'We Need Food, We Need Clothing' Staten Island Residents Plead for Help
Hurricane Sandy has basically crippled parts of our moronically liberal North East. That is awesome. These idiots didn't prepare so they are now out of gasoline, food, and clean water. No I am not enjoying the suffering of these people but I am enjoying that their liberal policies are once again proven to fail.
The various federal, state, and local governments are doing virtually nothing to help these people and the people have spent so many years relying on these governments for food, shelter, clothing, power, and everything else under sun that they are incapable of providing for themselves. Instead they are stealing from each other, attacking each other, and freaking out that their government has abandoned them. And even better is that the anti-gun policies for which they voted have now disarmed them so they cannot protect themselves from such crime.
Vote conservative next time.
Conservatives prepare for such disasters. We save, plan, and ultimately rely on ourselves, not government, to protect, shelter, and feed us. We persevere and rebuild, not complain in the face of disaster. Most importantly though, we arm ourselves. We are not helpless victims and we do not beg. We help others who are hungry and cold and we protect those that cannot protect themselves. If a disaster of this magnitude happened in Idaho, Wyoming, or Utah you can bet the resulting crimes would be much lower than in liberal states and the outcry for government assistance would be a far quieter affair.
Unfortunate, these liberals are, by definition, idiots. They will continue to look to government to save them and even though he parties with celebrities and flies around the world while they suffer in the streets these liberal idiots will re-elect their king Obama, next week.
So what have we learned here today? Sadly, nothing. Conservatives reading this article already knew the lessons discussed and the liberals reading it never will.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
I Told You So -- Gun Control Coming Soon
I told you Obama would push for gun control. What a joke this guy is. As I predicted he is calling for more restrictive background checks even though such checks would not have stopped the recent Batman movie massacre and would not prevent criminals from stealing guns. More restrictions on purchasing firearms would only cause millions of law-abiding citizens to be disarmed and helpless.
Bloomberg is even dumber than Obama though. This idiot is actually calling for police officers nationwide to go on strike until the citizenry disarms itself. Here is a little tip, genius. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN!!! Police officers won't go on strike and the people will not disarm. Even if forced, we, as a whole, will not disarm. Moreover, police officers want people to be armed and they need people to be armed. People legally possessing firearms prevent far more crime than police officers ever could. Its simply about raw numbers. More guns = less crime.
If these idiots had their way, every American citizen would be disarmed and as helpless as children. That is what these evil men want. History has repeatedly proven that disarming a population is the most effective means of controlling and dominating it.
Bloomberg is even dumber than Obama though. This idiot is actually calling for police officers nationwide to go on strike until the citizenry disarms itself. Here is a little tip, genius. IT WILL NOT HAPPEN!!! Police officers won't go on strike and the people will not disarm. Even if forced, we, as a whole, will not disarm. Moreover, police officers want people to be armed and they need people to be armed. People legally possessing firearms prevent far more crime than police officers ever could. Its simply about raw numbers. More guns = less crime.
If these idiots had their way, every American citizen would be disarmed and as helpless as children. That is what these evil men want. History has repeatedly proven that disarming a population is the most effective means of controlling and dominating it.
Batman movie massacre,
gun control,
Friday, July 20, 2012
Batman = The End of an Era
Today is the very dark day in America when the Second Amendment died. Mark your calendars and fondly remember the bygone days where a man was free to defend himself, his family, and others from evil. Those days are now history.
As you have certainly already heard, a gunman opened fire during a premier of the new Batman movie. He killed at least 13 people as of this writing.
As any idiot could predict, this shooting has the liberals are already screaming about gun control. There is simply no time to mourn the dead when politics is afoot.
There are two, and only two, possibilities here. Now I am never wrong on gun control so pay attention.
Possibility Number One -- Obama will be re-elected and he WILL BAN GUNS. Even if our flaccid congress tries to stop him from outright gun bans he will use oppressively high taxes on ammunition, components, and anything else gun-related, environmental and land use regulations, various executive orders, and force international treaties down our throats until gun ownership, or at least use, is untenable by all but the very richest of Americans. Guns will effectively be banned by limiting available types, places to shoot, making ammunition prohibitively expensive, etc. If you doubt me then you have not purchased ammunition in the last five years. Prices have already doubled, and is some cases, have risen even higher.
Possibility Number Two -- Golden Boy Romney will be elected and his true colors will finally be revealed. Make no mistake, this guy is liberal to the core. He only switched sides a few years ago because liberals have been infiltrating the Republican Party as part of their scorched Earth plans. Romney pretends to support gun ownership but he lied. He too will ban guns, though he may at least wait for a second term to do so. Once he does start moving toward gun control he will not allow international treaties to do his dirty work however. He will persuade our morons in congress to pass gun control similar to Clinton's failed Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Prepare for limits in magazine capacity, longer waiting periods, increased restrictions on eligibility, and newer (safer and more reliable) guns to be outlawed. Ammunition is also sure to be heavily taxed into rarity.
If either candidate tries an outright gun ban like we saw in England and Australia civil war would be the result so don't expect such boldness from either of these lunatics. Both are patient enough to destroy our gun rights slowly and methodically. Most people won't even notice it's happening until it is far too late. They simply cannot be distracted from their beloved celeb-u-tards on reality television.
In any event, you can now kiss your already dying Second Amendment goodbye. Maybe its time to learn how to fight with sticks and rocks. Of course, thanks to our bloodthirsty nature that would inevitably cause the human race to create a board with a nail in it so big, to doom mankind.
As you have certainly already heard, a gunman opened fire during a premier of the new Batman movie. He killed at least 13 people as of this writing.
As any idiot could predict, this shooting has the liberals are already screaming about gun control. There is simply no time to mourn the dead when politics is afoot.
There are two, and only two, possibilities here. Now I am never wrong on gun control so pay attention.
Possibility Number One -- Obama will be re-elected and he WILL BAN GUNS. Even if our flaccid congress tries to stop him from outright gun bans he will use oppressively high taxes on ammunition, components, and anything else gun-related, environmental and land use regulations, various executive orders, and force international treaties down our throats until gun ownership, or at least use, is untenable by all but the very richest of Americans. Guns will effectively be banned by limiting available types, places to shoot, making ammunition prohibitively expensive, etc. If you doubt me then you have not purchased ammunition in the last five years. Prices have already doubled, and is some cases, have risen even higher.
Possibility Number Two -- Golden Boy Romney will be elected and his true colors will finally be revealed. Make no mistake, this guy is liberal to the core. He only switched sides a few years ago because liberals have been infiltrating the Republican Party as part of their scorched Earth plans. Romney pretends to support gun ownership but he lied. He too will ban guns, though he may at least wait for a second term to do so. Once he does start moving toward gun control he will not allow international treaties to do his dirty work however. He will persuade our morons in congress to pass gun control similar to Clinton's failed Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Prepare for limits in magazine capacity, longer waiting periods, increased restrictions on eligibility, and newer (safer and more reliable) guns to be outlawed. Ammunition is also sure to be heavily taxed into rarity.
If either candidate tries an outright gun ban like we saw in England and Australia civil war would be the result so don't expect such boldness from either of these lunatics. Both are patient enough to destroy our gun rights slowly and methodically. Most people won't even notice it's happening until it is far too late. They simply cannot be distracted from their beloved celeb-u-tards on reality television.
In any event, you can now kiss your already dying Second Amendment goodbye. Maybe its time to learn how to fight with sticks and rocks. Of course, thanks to our bloodthirsty nature that would inevitably cause the human race to create a board with a nail in it so big, to doom mankind.
assault weapon ban,
gun control,
mass shooting,
Monday, July 16, 2012
Is This Idiot (Obama) For Real?
Obama recently said that no American businessman can take credit for their success in life. Sorry, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Lance Armstrong, and Jon Huntsman Sr., government gets the credit for your success. You didn't build your empires, government did -- at least according to Supreme Overlord Obama.
No, this garbage is not a joke. Its the state of the Union if you haven't been paying attention. In as serious a tone as any Obama recently stated, "If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen." And just when you think he couldn't say anything more stupid than that he insulted all entrepreneurial success with the worst analogy ever used by a sitting president. He said, "There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires."
Wow. Who does this moron think he is kidding? Who is the audience that is stupid enough to lap up this garbage?
Obama's statements opposing self-reliance show just how far off the deep end of stupidity he has gone. Very few successful businessmen owe their success to government. Frankly, I can't think of anyone that succeeded in their chosen field as a result of someone else's hard work. Yes, they had employees, advisers, investors, etc., but to claim that they succeeded because of those other people is ludicrous. The real formula is quite simple. Successful people succeeded because THEY WORKED REALLY HARD.
I guess the sarcastic takeaway here is that no matter how hard you worked, no matter how long you struggled, no matter how much of your hard-earned money you spent to afford government taxes and to adhere to oppressive government regulations, you simply did not succeed on your own. You have government to thank for your success, not to curse for the numerous barriers it puts in your path.
After the sarcasm wears off there is really only one good response. Sorry, Obama. Once again you are full of it.
On an unrelated note, I am starting my own fire service so if anyone needs me to put out a fire for them please email me right away.
No, this garbage is not a joke. Its the state of the Union if you haven't been paying attention. In as serious a tone as any Obama recently stated, "If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen." And just when you think he couldn't say anything more stupid than that he insulted all entrepreneurial success with the worst analogy ever used by a sitting president. He said, "There are some things, just like fighting fires, we don’t do on our own. I mean, imagine if everybody had their own fire service. That would be a hard way to organize fighting fires."
Wow. Who does this moron think he is kidding? Who is the audience that is stupid enough to lap up this garbage?
Obama's statements opposing self-reliance show just how far off the deep end of stupidity he has gone. Very few successful businessmen owe their success to government. Frankly, I can't think of anyone that succeeded in their chosen field as a result of someone else's hard work. Yes, they had employees, advisers, investors, etc., but to claim that they succeeded because of those other people is ludicrous. The real formula is quite simple. Successful people succeeded because THEY WORKED REALLY HARD.
I guess the sarcastic takeaway here is that no matter how hard you worked, no matter how long you struggled, no matter how much of your hard-earned money you spent to afford government taxes and to adhere to oppressive government regulations, you simply did not succeed on your own. You have government to thank for your success, not to curse for the numerous barriers it puts in your path.
After the sarcasm wears off there is really only one good response. Sorry, Obama. Once again you are full of it.
On an unrelated note, I am starting my own fire service so if anyone needs me to put out a fire for them please email me right away.
Bill Gates,
business owners,
fire fighting,
Jon Huntsman Sr.,
Lance Armstrong,
Thursday, June 28, 2012
America is Dead!
The United States Supreme Court just ruled that Obamacare is legal. That's right, your government can FORCE you to buy health insurance under the threats of imprisonment and confiscation of property and they will send armed agents to enforce this law.
Read it here --
If any of my readers ever doubted my cries about the death of liberty in this country you certainly cannot doubt now. And get this, these moron justices ruled that Obamacare is in actuality a tax and that Americans cannot refuse to pay taxes. This is after even Obama himself declared that Obamacare is not a tax.
The fallout of this ruling is going to be very interesting. Many of us, including me, will not pay the fine. I will fight in every possible way and even go to prison for the rest of my life rather than pay it. If they take it out of my bank account, retirement plan, or paycheck, I will be sure to take back what they stole.
The only hope I can see is if the upcoming election results in Republicans retaking the House and Presidency and repealing this horrible law. The problem there is that now Obama will be re-elected -- unless the people of this country are as shocked and outraged as I. Don't hold your breath on that one though. Most of America is too overly-medicated and hooked on reality TV dating and talent shows to even know their country just fell. Another problem with waiting for the election to lead to repealing this law is that most Republicans in office are liberal and they won't do it. Romney is more liberal than Bill Clinton. Remember he invented government-mandated health care. Sure, they may water it down but make no mistake, the Republicans want power to micro-manage your every breath just as much as the Democrats and they will fight to keep that power.
Our only real hope is that the individual states will take a stand and fight the federal government on enforcement of this travesty of law. We might see some weak efforts on this point (go Idaho!!!) but so few states will take such a stance that it will have no effect whatsoever on the tyranny that has just occurred.
The people, politicians, and justices of this country simply have no concept of freedom nor do they understand basic economics. Forced health care will kill our world-class health care system and that will kill people. Yes, I know both are stated liberal goals but neither is good for long-term success as a world power. These morons on the Supreme Court have literally doomed us all. The ramifications of this will take decades to fully realize but they will be harsh and they will be fatal to millions of Americans.
Grab your torches and pitchforks everybody. This is an outrage!!!
Read it here --
If any of my readers ever doubted my cries about the death of liberty in this country you certainly cannot doubt now. And get this, these moron justices ruled that Obamacare is in actuality a tax and that Americans cannot refuse to pay taxes. This is after even Obama himself declared that Obamacare is not a tax.
The fallout of this ruling is going to be very interesting. Many of us, including me, will not pay the fine. I will fight in every possible way and even go to prison for the rest of my life rather than pay it. If they take it out of my bank account, retirement plan, or paycheck, I will be sure to take back what they stole.
The only hope I can see is if the upcoming election results in Republicans retaking the House and Presidency and repealing this horrible law. The problem there is that now Obama will be re-elected -- unless the people of this country are as shocked and outraged as I. Don't hold your breath on that one though. Most of America is too overly-medicated and hooked on reality TV dating and talent shows to even know their country just fell. Another problem with waiting for the election to lead to repealing this law is that most Republicans in office are liberal and they won't do it. Romney is more liberal than Bill Clinton. Remember he invented government-mandated health care. Sure, they may water it down but make no mistake, the Republicans want power to micro-manage your every breath just as much as the Democrats and they will fight to keep that power.
Our only real hope is that the individual states will take a stand and fight the federal government on enforcement of this travesty of law. We might see some weak efforts on this point (go Idaho!!!) but so few states will take such a stance that it will have no effect whatsoever on the tyranny that has just occurred.
The people, politicians, and justices of this country simply have no concept of freedom nor do they understand basic economics. Forced health care will kill our world-class health care system and that will kill people. Yes, I know both are stated liberal goals but neither is good for long-term success as a world power. These morons on the Supreme Court have literally doomed us all. The ramifications of this will take decades to fully realize but they will be harsh and they will be fatal to millions of Americans.
Grab your torches and pitchforks everybody. This is an outrage!!!
Supreme Court,
torches and pitchforks
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Really America?!? Drones?!?
Drones patrolling American cities? Yep, welcome to my Orwellian nightmare. We now have drones patrolling American cities in 20 states.
Please understand this. The drones are not patrolling war zones nor are they being used to stop the overflow of illegal immigrants into our country. They are being used to spy on YOU. It is that simple. Your government is becoming so desperate to control you that it is willing to spy on you with military technology and it isn't even concerned that you know it is watching.
Why would it be? They have been openly monitoring cell phones, landlines, email, text messages, and even listening in on Onstar without warrants for years and nobody seemed to care. They have been planting GPS devices on our cars, searching our trash, and did I mention listening in on Onstar, and nobody cares. They have granted themselves the authority to kidnap and kill you without a trial or having to even disclose the reason so why should anyone care that the government that can kill or imprison you can also watch your every move?
Really America? Is this the future we want for our children? We want a nanny-state that not only dictates but closely monitors every move we make? Even the dumbest of the die-hard liberals and republitards should agree that drones over American cities is going too far. How could anyone other that government officials and the manufacturers of drones ever support such oppressive measures?
Now if you are somehow too stupid to be bothered by the fact that drones are now spying on American citizens on American soil could you at least realize and be a little bothered by the realization that these drones have the capability to carry weapons? Please. Be bugged at least a little. Because that is the only way our country has any hope at all.
Please understand this. The drones are not patrolling war zones nor are they being used to stop the overflow of illegal immigrants into our country. They are being used to spy on YOU. It is that simple. Your government is becoming so desperate to control you that it is willing to spy on you with military technology and it isn't even concerned that you know it is watching.
Why would it be? They have been openly monitoring cell phones, landlines, email, text messages, and even listening in on Onstar without warrants for years and nobody seemed to care. They have been planting GPS devices on our cars, searching our trash, and did I mention listening in on Onstar, and nobody cares. They have granted themselves the authority to kidnap and kill you without a trial or having to even disclose the reason so why should anyone care that the government that can kill or imprison you can also watch your every move?
Really America? Is this the future we want for our children? We want a nanny-state that not only dictates but closely monitors every move we make? Even the dumbest of the die-hard liberals and republitards should agree that drones over American cities is going too far. How could anyone other that government officials and the manufacturers of drones ever support such oppressive measures?
Now if you are somehow too stupid to be bothered by the fact that drones are now spying on American citizens on American soil could you at least realize and be a little bothered by the realization that these drones have the capability to carry weapons? Please. Be bugged at least a little. Because that is the only way our country has any hope at all.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Obamacare Criminal Fines -- Bring It On
Yesterday and today our Supreme Court has been hearing arguments on the constitutionality of Obamacare. No, I won't waste any time on links for this one because it is irrelevant how they ultimately decide this issue.
That's right, regardless of what the Supreme Court says, forcing American citizens to buy ANYTHING is plainly unconstitutional. If this is a free country then there won't even be a debate on the issue.
Furthermore, I won't buy health insurance if the government continues to try to force me to do so. I will resist even if it means dumping my employer's health plan, paying my own medical bills, dying in the street, or rotting in prison for refusing to pay the fines. Hear it clearly, I will never pay a fine for refusing to buy into Obamacare. NEVER. Prison is a more attractive option to me.
This is no joke. Freedom sometimes takes great risk and sacrifice and I will be happy to clog the courts and prisons rather than succumb to Obama's tyranny.
Frankly, I should not have to take such a stand. Anyone who rules as President should protect, rather than destroy, American freedom. Similarly, the states should refuse to enforce Obamacare at every level. Tell the federal government to shove it. I certainly will. And finally, prosecutors should refuse to prosecute these so-called "crimes." They too should tell Obama to shove it.
Have I mentioned that I certainly will?
That's right, regardless of what the Supreme Court says, forcing American citizens to buy ANYTHING is plainly unconstitutional. If this is a free country then there won't even be a debate on the issue.
Furthermore, I won't buy health insurance if the government continues to try to force me to do so. I will resist even if it means dumping my employer's health plan, paying my own medical bills, dying in the street, or rotting in prison for refusing to pay the fines. Hear it clearly, I will never pay a fine for refusing to buy into Obamacare. NEVER. Prison is a more attractive option to me.
This is no joke. Freedom sometimes takes great risk and sacrifice and I will be happy to clog the courts and prisons rather than succumb to Obama's tyranny.
Frankly, I should not have to take such a stand. Anyone who rules as President should protect, rather than destroy, American freedom. Similarly, the states should refuse to enforce Obamacare at every level. Tell the federal government to shove it. I certainly will. And finally, prosecutors should refuse to prosecute these so-called "crimes." They too should tell Obama to shove it.
Have I mentioned that I certainly will?
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Republicans: Getting Dumber By the Minute
Republicans are morons. The Republican Party has been infiltrated by liberals for decades and turned from a conservative defender of freedom into a laughable Keystone Cop -- ineffective and bumbling in every scene.
Here is a great illustration of what I mean. On Forbes today Republican Congressman Marsha Blackburn from Tennessee wrote an article discussing the TSA and its lack of authority. She entitled the article "The TSA is Coming to a Highway Near You."
Her article very nicely sums up why Republicans are morons. First, she is not utterly condemning the TSA even though it recently ran a random roadblock in her state seeking nothing more than to intimidate and oppress. Now, I am no congressman but Republicans used to defend state sovereignty and personal liberty. Not anymore.
Second, Blackburn is actually praising herself (a decidedly liberal trait) for, get this, introducing legislation that would actually REQUIRE these TSA thugs to be trained as law enforcement officers and given the same authority as law enforcement officers. Seriously?!? Where does this idiot come from? The intelligent people of this country do not want federal police to exist let alone have the authority to govern our daily behavior. We already have state police, county sheriffs, city officers, and mall security guards. We hardly need one more babysitter. How could a Republican miss that issue if she has any brains at all? But she doesn't just miss that point, she punctuates it by arguing for, and trying to require, MILITARY STYLE training for these thugs. This is Bizarro World at its best.

Finally, Blackburn actually thinks her legislation and arguments will somehow "rein in" the TSA "on larger issues of concern." Wow. This is moron Republican logic at its finest. They actually think that giving a federally (and illegally) empowered police force more training and more authority will somehow cause that police force to be "reined in." She even argues that her stupid legislation is about "truth in advertising." What a crock. Blackburn simply doesn't understand that her so-called "truth in advertising" is really just changing the carpet to match the drapes and that is a very bad idea when the drapes are NAZIS.
Here is a great illustration of what I mean. On Forbes today Republican Congressman Marsha Blackburn from Tennessee wrote an article discussing the TSA and its lack of authority. She entitled the article "The TSA is Coming to a Highway Near You."
Her article very nicely sums up why Republicans are morons. First, she is not utterly condemning the TSA even though it recently ran a random roadblock in her state seeking nothing more than to intimidate and oppress. Now, I am no congressman but Republicans used to defend state sovereignty and personal liberty. Not anymore.
Second, Blackburn is actually praising herself (a decidedly liberal trait) for, get this, introducing legislation that would actually REQUIRE these TSA thugs to be trained as law enforcement officers and given the same authority as law enforcement officers. Seriously?!? Where does this idiot come from? The intelligent people of this country do not want federal police to exist let alone have the authority to govern our daily behavior. We already have state police, county sheriffs, city officers, and mall security guards. We hardly need one more babysitter. How could a Republican miss that issue if she has any brains at all? But she doesn't just miss that point, she punctuates it by arguing for, and trying to require, MILITARY STYLE training for these thugs. This is Bizarro World at its best.

Finally, Blackburn actually thinks her legislation and arguments will somehow "rein in" the TSA "on larger issues of concern." Wow. This is moron Republican logic at its finest. They actually think that giving a federally (and illegally) empowered police force more training and more authority will somehow cause that police force to be "reined in." She even argues that her stupid legislation is about "truth in advertising." What a crock. Blackburn simply doesn't understand that her so-called "truth in advertising" is really just changing the carpet to match the drapes and that is a very bad idea when the drapes are NAZIS.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
I was recently sent a shocking video showing Judge Judy berate a moron in her court for fleecing the welfare system. He was also mooching off his girlfriend. This guy was so dumb that Judge Judy sent the tape of this nose-wiping crook to Congress. Then to top it off the girlfriend who was suing him for rent didn't pay it herself and was quickly thrown out of court as a result. Just so you know, in my court these useless imbeciles would get the same treatment only louder.
The real point here though is that Congress not only doesn't care that healthy people are living off the system instead of working for a living. Congress created this guy and millions more like him. That's the way it is and that's the way they like it. Our ruling government wants dependents. That has been the whole plan since income taxation was born. That is why I have been screaming that taxation is slavery. And no, it is not about the redistribution of wealth. It is about control. Taking income one person earned at gunpoint or threat of imprisonment (IRS) is slavery. What government does with the money doesn't change that pure simple fact. Being forced to work for the state's benefit and having no choice in the matter is slavery in its purest form.
Don't think that taxpayers are the only victims here either. The recipients of government handouts are also slaves. Recipients of these so-called entitlement programs are infantilized by government so they cannot fend for themselves. Even if they wanted to support themselves, over generations they forget how.
The answer is what I have been saying all along. Abolish ALL forms of income taxation and phase out ALL entitlement programs.
The real point here though is that Congress not only doesn't care that healthy people are living off the system instead of working for a living. Congress created this guy and millions more like him. That's the way it is and that's the way they like it. Our ruling government wants dependents. That has been the whole plan since income taxation was born. That is why I have been screaming that taxation is slavery. And no, it is not about the redistribution of wealth. It is about control. Taking income one person earned at gunpoint or threat of imprisonment (IRS) is slavery. What government does with the money doesn't change that pure simple fact. Being forced to work for the state's benefit and having no choice in the matter is slavery in its purest form.
Don't think that taxpayers are the only victims here either. The recipients of government handouts are also slaves. Recipients of these so-called entitlement programs are infantilized by government so they cannot fend for themselves. Even if they wanted to support themselves, over generations they forget how.
The answer is what I have been saying all along. Abolish ALL forms of income taxation and phase out ALL entitlement programs.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Tyranny Wins Again
Tyranny is defined as an "arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power." The United States is a tyranny under even a loose interpretation of that definition.
One way in which America arbitrarily exercises power, and thus demonstrates its tyrannical nature is by detaining citizens to check their identification and reasons for being present somewhere. In Leesburg, Florida for example the federal government recently used military weapons, uniforms, and tactics to restrain citizens trying to enter the Social Security Administration office. Its stated justification for the raid was "detecting the presence of unauthorized persons and potentially disruptive or dangerous activities.” How transparent can you get. No the real reason was a show of force; against law-abiding innocent citizens. The terrorists here are employees of the federal government. Period.
I must admit that this is quite shocking to me. Not because Obama's administration is terrorizing American citizens,many of us expected that, but because citizens are tolerating it. They are peacefully and willingly showing their ID when an armed security force demands it. I won't. I, for one, remember the lessons of World War II. Shoot me, sick the dogs on me, beat me with the butt of your assault rifle but I won't bow to tyrants.
So here is my open invitation to the Department of Homeland Security and all other federal agencies that think they can control my daily movements. Come to Salt Lake City and try setting up a checkpoint. I dare you and warn you it will not end well. You may get away with terrorizing elderly people trying to get federal benefits but you will start a war if you push the citizens of this country much farther.
One way in which America arbitrarily exercises power, and thus demonstrates its tyrannical nature is by detaining citizens to check their identification and reasons for being present somewhere. In Leesburg, Florida for example the federal government recently used military weapons, uniforms, and tactics to restrain citizens trying to enter the Social Security Administration office. Its stated justification for the raid was "detecting the presence of unauthorized persons and potentially disruptive or dangerous activities.” How transparent can you get. No the real reason was a show of force; against law-abiding innocent citizens. The terrorists here are employees of the federal government. Period.
I must admit that this is quite shocking to me. Not because Obama's administration is terrorizing American citizens,many of us expected that, but because citizens are tolerating it. They are peacefully and willingly showing their ID when an armed security force demands it. I won't. I, for one, remember the lessons of World War II. Shoot me, sick the dogs on me, beat me with the butt of your assault rifle but I won't bow to tyrants.
So here is my open invitation to the Department of Homeland Security and all other federal agencies that think they can control my daily movements. Come to Salt Lake City and try setting up a checkpoint. I dare you and warn you it will not end well. You may get away with terrorizing elderly people trying to get federal benefits but you will start a war if you push the citizens of this country much farther.
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