The TSA has a choir? Two of them to be exact.
This is an outrage. First, our taxes pay the TSA to sexually abuse us and now we are paying them to openly mock us? What happened to you America?
Having TSA agents in a choir singing to passengers in airports is nothing more than a mockery of both us and Christmas. They stand there and sing patriotic hymns while their co-workers continue sexually touching our children and people are enjoying it. They sing about liberty and about living in a free republic as if they are defending freedom while they actually epitomize tyranny and people are gobbling it up.
America, if you have really become too stupid to even know when you are being mocked by your oppressors then you deserve your servitude.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Government Sexual Abuse Required

Others are joining me and fighting the TSA on these issues. Drudge today, in fact, is littered with headlines about these battles.
Here are a few:
TSA Hit With Lawsuits As Revolt Explodes
EDITORIAL: Big Sister's police state
TSA's tyrannical tactics threaten American freedoms
State-sponsored Sexual Harassment
I like the idea of lawsuits and mass-refusals to submit but I have several other resistance ideas that would be more fun.
-- Married couples could frisk each other in line as a demonstration of the sexual nature of such intrusions. The great part here is that the couple would be arrested for indecency even though they are engaging in the same conduct that is REQUIRED by the TSA.
-- Someone could show up in nothing but a trench coat (full on naked underneath) and tell the TSA agents you did it for them. This too would result in arrest even though the naked X-ray machine is actually worse as it takes a photo of your nude body rather than merely exposing it for a few seconds.
-- People could just start moaning in a sexual manner as the agents grope. Awkward, yes but definitely hilarious.
-- People could wear t-shirts that say things like "My grandpa went to Hawaii and all I got was this lousy t-shirt ... AND GROPED," "TSA agents do it better," or "Don't touch my junk!"
-- Carry your own rubber gloves for the agent to use or better yet tell the agent to take his off because hands are more sensitive without gloves.
-- Go through the line over and over again to see how many times you can before the TSA snaps and arrests you.
Regardless of which form of resistance you choose, my point cannot be overstated. It is against my religion to photograph me naked and it is against my religion to allow strangers to touch me sexually. Incidentally, such acts are also against my religion when done to children. Now, I understand that the government doesn't care about my religious beliefs and that it simply wants to oppressively control its subjects. Nonetheless, these intrusions mean something to me.
Now I know that many other people of my same religion do not consider these TSA measures problematic but they are dead wrong. They are also missing the point that groping and photographing people nude against their will are illegal acts when done under any other circumstances.
I hope you all resist in some way. Whether on religious, privacy, safety, or modesty grounds, this issue is simple. We simply cannot allow our government to sexually abuse us or our children. I personally will never allow either to happen to me or my children.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Election day is tomorrow and I am not excited at all. Others will be however. Republicans will celebrate because they see the inevitable republican sweep of the House as a republican victory. Socialist democrats, communists, and fascists will secretly celebrate because they see a republican sweep as a small cog in their manipulation of the American people. They WANT republicans to win; this time.
The manipulation is obvious and has been on-going for decades. Socialists infiltrate the republican party and push the entire party to the center when they can and they allow republicans to win elections to pass them the blame for their failed and oppressive socialist policies.
Obama will celebrate the republican victory tomorrow. Its part of his master plan. Obama wants this country in chaos. He wants riots in the streets, food lines, gas shortages, widespread power outages, and general death and destruction. But what he wants most is to be able to blame that chaos on republicans.
That's how he governs. Create a problem, re-write history and blame the republicans for creating your problem, and then run for the next election on the promise that you will clean up the very problem that you created. Couple that with widespread election fraud and you have yourself an unqualified community organizer (whatever that means) for a president.
When republicans win tomorrow they will celebrate, but so will Obama. With republicans in the majority he can, and certainly will, blame his failed economic and social policies on them. Let the blame begin and bring on 2012 already.
The manipulation is obvious and has been on-going for decades. Socialists infiltrate the republican party and push the entire party to the center when they can and they allow republicans to win elections to pass them the blame for their failed and oppressive socialist policies.
Obama will celebrate the republican victory tomorrow. Its part of his master plan. Obama wants this country in chaos. He wants riots in the streets, food lines, gas shortages, widespread power outages, and general death and destruction. But what he wants most is to be able to blame that chaos on republicans.
That's how he governs. Create a problem, re-write history and blame the republicans for creating your problem, and then run for the next election on the promise that you will clean up the very problem that you created. Couple that with widespread election fraud and you have yourself an unqualified community organizer (whatever that means) for a president.
When republicans win tomorrow they will celebrate, but so will Obama. With republicans in the majority he can, and certainly will, blame his failed economic and social policies on them. Let the blame begin and bring on 2012 already.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Too Old to Trick-or-Treat -- By Law?
I have read several articles in the last couple of days discussing trick-or-treating by teenagers. Some cities have passed laws making it illegal if over a certain age. To them I say thank you for proving my long-standing argument that America is a tyranny rather than the free society it claims to be.
I also make this declaration. If my town, or any city within 50 miles bans trick-or-treating for ANY age I will go door to door on Halloween even though I am well above any age they would set for the limit. Notice how I did not say I would go trick-or-treating. Instead of going "trick-or-treating," I will dress in a costume, knock on doors randomly, and say "what's up" while holding out a pillow case. I will also make certain to conduct one of these visits at the houses of any legislator who votes for an age ban on trick-or-treating in the hopes of getting arrested for violating the oppressive ban.
Now don't get me wrong. I don't like teens trick-or-treating either but I want them to decide for themselves how old is too old.
And seriously, these kinds of laws are never really thoughtfully considered. These idiot politicians just react without thinking in a ridiculous effort to control EVERYTHING. What if my teenager is mentally disabled and has the mental age of a child? Do these bans exempt them? What about my teenager taking smaller kids around? Is that illegal? What about me taking my kids trick-or-treating? Is that illegal?
The line of how old is too old should be drawn by the individual, not government.
I also make this declaration. If my town, or any city within 50 miles bans trick-or-treating for ANY age I will go door to door on Halloween even though I am well above any age they would set for the limit. Notice how I did not say I would go trick-or-treating. Instead of going "trick-or-treating," I will dress in a costume, knock on doors randomly, and say "what's up" while holding out a pillow case. I will also make certain to conduct one of these visits at the houses of any legislator who votes for an age ban on trick-or-treating in the hopes of getting arrested for violating the oppressive ban.
Now don't get me wrong. I don't like teens trick-or-treating either but I want them to decide for themselves how old is too old.
And seriously, these kinds of laws are never really thoughtfully considered. These idiot politicians just react without thinking in a ridiculous effort to control EVERYTHING. What if my teenager is mentally disabled and has the mental age of a child? Do these bans exempt them? What about my teenager taking smaller kids around? Is that illegal? What about me taking my kids trick-or-treating? Is that illegal?
The line of how old is too old should be drawn by the individual, not government.
Monday, October 18, 2010
What Is the Deal With All the Gum?
NFL Football coaches ALL chew gum during the game. Why? What's the deal?
As I go about my typical day I hardly ever see men chewing gum. It is very rare.
This one makes no sense to me at all.
And by the way, the Titans just shellacked the Jaguars and I want to complain about it. Now, I don't care one bit about either of these teams but I do care about TV sucking. And this sucked.
Jacksonville had the most incoherent play calls I have seen in a long time and so many missed opportunities and outright errors it makes your head spin. These guys were playing like a hastily assembled kids game in the neighborhood rather than like a professional team.
And, for the record, both coaches were chomping away on gum the entire game.
As I go about my typical day I hardly ever see men chewing gum. It is very rare.
This one makes no sense to me at all.
And by the way, the Titans just shellacked the Jaguars and I want to complain about it. Now, I don't care one bit about either of these teams but I do care about TV sucking. And this sucked.
Jacksonville had the most incoherent play calls I have seen in a long time and so many missed opportunities and outright errors it makes your head spin. These guys were playing like a hastily assembled kids game in the neighborhood rather than like a professional team.
And, for the record, both coaches were chomping away on gum the entire game.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tyranny is the New Freedom
I am seriously considering writing a book about the true tyranny that has taken over this country. And why not, with a readership as large as this blog has (3 confirmed subscribers) the market is already in place. Levity aside, it really is time for this country to wake up to its state of servitude.
I have said it before and I will say it to my dying breath, taxing income is tyranny. There is no getting around that fact. To add to that I will declare that government prohibiting the free movement and expression of its subjects (citizens is no longer the appropriate term to describe Americans) is further proof of the tyranny we endure.
We cannot speak publicly without first obtaining a permit from the government. That permit always includes a fee and limits the time and manner of our speech. Needing government permission to speak is hardly an earmark of a free country.
The same is true for movement. To travel, even small distances, you need a license from the government (with its accompanying fees) to drive, your car requires a license and its ownership taxed, the gas you need is even heavily taxed. Once you get in your car the taxes and government control continue. You are required to wear a seat belt under penalty of law, even if no accident occurs, and I can't count how many other government taxes and controls are hidden in the production, transportation, and sale of the car itself.
Try accessing a national park and you will have to first seek government approval and pay a tax. In Utah, there are actually roads you cannot go at all unless you ride the government bus. No personal cars allowed? When did that happen? I paid for that road and now I can't even use it. Tyranny at its best.
Want to ride a bike to get around the government permission issue and you will be sadly surprised. Many, if not all, municipalities require you to license your bike. Many also require you to wear a helmet whether you want one or not.
Now let me point out just how absurd the government micromanagement of its subjects has become. In Philadelphia the police are now spot-checking your car to see if you locked it and they are fining you if you don't. If you are not outraged by that then it is too late to write my book. What free people would allow government agents to randomly check their door handles and then fine them for not locking the door? None.
I will lock my door if I choose and I will leave it unlocked if I choose. ITS MY CAR! Anyone who thinks the government should have a right to check my door is mentally unstable. Sorry, Fourth Amendment, you are no longer needed. And then to add a fine? Who would support such an oppressive control? Only a tyrant, that's who.
I have said it before and I will say it to my dying breath, taxing income is tyranny. There is no getting around that fact. To add to that I will declare that government prohibiting the free movement and expression of its subjects (citizens is no longer the appropriate term to describe Americans) is further proof of the tyranny we endure.
We cannot speak publicly without first obtaining a permit from the government. That permit always includes a fee and limits the time and manner of our speech. Needing government permission to speak is hardly an earmark of a free country.
The same is true for movement. To travel, even small distances, you need a license from the government (with its accompanying fees) to drive, your car requires a license and its ownership taxed, the gas you need is even heavily taxed. Once you get in your car the taxes and government control continue. You are required to wear a seat belt under penalty of law, even if no accident occurs, and I can't count how many other government taxes and controls are hidden in the production, transportation, and sale of the car itself.
Try accessing a national park and you will have to first seek government approval and pay a tax. In Utah, there are actually roads you cannot go at all unless you ride the government bus. No personal cars allowed? When did that happen? I paid for that road and now I can't even use it. Tyranny at its best.
Want to ride a bike to get around the government permission issue and you will be sadly surprised. Many, if not all, municipalities require you to license your bike. Many also require you to wear a helmet whether you want one or not.
Now let me point out just how absurd the government micromanagement of its subjects has become. In Philadelphia the police are now spot-checking your car to see if you locked it and they are fining you if you don't. If you are not outraged by that then it is too late to write my book. What free people would allow government agents to randomly check their door handles and then fine them for not locking the door? None.
I will lock my door if I choose and I will leave it unlocked if I choose. ITS MY CAR! Anyone who thinks the government should have a right to check my door is mentally unstable. Sorry, Fourth Amendment, you are no longer needed. And then to add a fine? Who would support such an oppressive control? Only a tyrant, that's who.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Make me President Already
I am so sick of this country making excuses and pandering to each other politically. Make me President and I will fix it all.
War: Lets WIN these wars in the Middle East. Notice I did not say end. That is not viable for this President. My plan is to send 250,000 troops now. We stop waiting around and we stop debating. We also start actually taking out the enemies when we can. No more letting them go just because they are at a funeral with a few civilians. Yes it's cold but it also time. In World War Two England carpet bombed entire cites killing tens of thousands of civilians. That is too far, but killing a few civilians who closely associate with terrorists is not necessarily a bad thing. If that is too harsh, fine. Instead we can level entire cities. Civilians be warned. If you stay you are considered an enemy. I did not start this war but I sure as hell can end it in victory. The entire world can piss on Obama's country but NOBODY messes with my United States.
Illegal Immigration: I would CLOSE our borders. We would build a massive fence, patrol the oceans, and bunker bust any tunnels. Building a few military bases with bombing ranges on the border wouldn't hurt either. As for illegals already here. That's easy. Send them to Mexico and bill the Mexican government $10,000 per person. As long as Mexico knows we will actually collect on those bills (they have oil and gold) they will erect fences and guard their own border for a change. Yes. I know many illegals are not Mexican. Do I can? No. Mexico is where they go because that is where most of them cross over. It is that simple. This should be as much Mexico's problem as it is ours. Did I mention that NOBODY messes with my United States.
Education: Now states can choose what they want here but federal funding only goes to schools that teach the fundamental founding principles of this country in a historically accurate manner. This country was founded on Christian centered Capitalism, period. We are not Communist, Socialist, or Fascist and we will not allow our federal tax dollars to teach otherwise. We must also go back to the basics teaching primarily history, math, English, and science. No more socializing our children to fit a political agenda. No more global warming or diversity requirements.
Taxes: My first act as President is to abolish all forms of income and capital gains taxation. It is evil in its purest form to tax (i..e. punish) productivity. Especially when that money is taken at gunpoint (IRS) and redistributed to the idol through various entitlement programs. Indeed, these programs create generations of people who are adults in age only and suck the system dry. These infants are wholly dependent on government for their very survival. Only a dictator would consider that to be a good thing.
War: Lets WIN these wars in the Middle East. Notice I did not say end. That is not viable for this President. My plan is to send 250,000 troops now. We stop waiting around and we stop debating. We also start actually taking out the enemies when we can. No more letting them go just because they are at a funeral with a few civilians. Yes it's cold but it also time. In World War Two England carpet bombed entire cites killing tens of thousands of civilians. That is too far, but killing a few civilians who closely associate with terrorists is not necessarily a bad thing. If that is too harsh, fine. Instead we can level entire cities. Civilians be warned. If you stay you are considered an enemy. I did not start this war but I sure as hell can end it in victory. The entire world can piss on Obama's country but NOBODY messes with my United States.
Illegal Immigration: I would CLOSE our borders. We would build a massive fence, patrol the oceans, and bunker bust any tunnels. Building a few military bases with bombing ranges on the border wouldn't hurt either. As for illegals already here. That's easy. Send them to Mexico and bill the Mexican government $10,000 per person. As long as Mexico knows we will actually collect on those bills (they have oil and gold) they will erect fences and guard their own border for a change. Yes. I know many illegals are not Mexican. Do I can? No. Mexico is where they go because that is where most of them cross over. It is that simple. This should be as much Mexico's problem as it is ours. Did I mention that NOBODY messes with my United States.
Education: Now states can choose what they want here but federal funding only goes to schools that teach the fundamental founding principles of this country in a historically accurate manner. This country was founded on Christian centered Capitalism, period. We are not Communist, Socialist, or Fascist and we will not allow our federal tax dollars to teach otherwise. We must also go back to the basics teaching primarily history, math, English, and science. No more socializing our children to fit a political agenda. No more global warming or diversity requirements.
Taxes: My first act as President is to abolish all forms of income and capital gains taxation. It is evil in its purest form to tax (i..e. punish) productivity. Especially when that money is taken at gunpoint (IRS) and redistributed to the idol through various entitlement programs. Indeed, these programs create generations of people who are adults in age only and suck the system dry. These infants are wholly dependent on government for their very survival. Only a dictator would consider that to be a good thing.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
"War on Drugs" = Bullcrap
There is no war on drugs in America. There never has been and there never will be. This so-called war on drugs in this country is nothing more than a political game to take away our freedom, our self-reliance, and our tax money.
- If there was an actual war on drugs we would CLOSE our borders.
- If there was an actual war on drugs we would DEPORT illegal aliens.
- If there was an actual war on drugs we would build special prison/treatment centers for addicts.
- If there was an actual war on drugs our law enforcement would target high-level drug importers rather than bothering with individual street users.
- If there was an actual war on drugs our laws would have severe enhanced penalties for committing crimes while under the influence.
- If there was an actual war on drugs we would fight back drug sales and drug usage taking place in our neighborhoods.
- If there was an actual war on drugs our police would spend more time patrolling known drug neighborhoods and less time sitting in speed traps browsing the Internet.
- If there was an actual war on drugs our presidents would not brag about using drugs in college.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows our government to erode and violate our Forth Amendment rights and search anyone it chooses on drug-related suspicions.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows our government to imprison or demonize us at will.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows our government to heavily tax us to fight this fictitious war and divert those funds to interest groups and other countries supporting whoever happens to be in office at that time.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows our government to use our taxes and personnel to arm and train the military and police forces of other countries.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows the government to control what legal drugs you can have and how much you can have.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows politicians to spew anti-drug rhetoric out their bloated lie holes to pander to their constituents and to APPEAR to be doing something good in the world.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows our government to maintain a delicate balance of poor and lower middle class people and to keep them completely dependent on government handouts for survival.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows our government to divide Americans by race and to control minorities.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows our government to elevate the manpower, weaponry, vehicles, training, and tactics of law enforcement to military levels.
- Pretending there is a war on drugs allows our government to ban, tax, and severely restrict our Second Amendment rights to keep and bear arms.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Obama Regime Declares War on America
Tyranny has come to America.
Obama's regime is targeting Sheriff Joe Arapaio for criminal prosecution for his enforcement of Arizona immigration enforcement law.
Even the mere hint of such an act should send shivers down your spine. If it doesn't consider that Nancy Pelosi is similarly demanding a witch hunt on those who oppose building a mosque at ground zero. A mosque at ground zero? Who doesn't oppose that? Investigate me, Pelosi.
Back on immigration. Arapaio is a patriot trying to enforce the laws as he was elected to do. In stark contrast, our federal government is repeatedly prosecuting its own law enforcement agents for enforcing the laws while millions of criminals and terrorists stroll into our country every year unmolested. This is an outrage.
The federal government should be hiring Arapaio not prosecuting or investigating him. Attorney General Holder is the criminal here. Obama is the criminal here. Rather than enforce our immigration, drug, and anti-gang laws they are abusing their power and our tax money by harassing patriotic Americans who want our country secured from outside threats.
Ultimately, the American people will stand against Obama and his regime and with Arapaio. The invasion of our country from outside forces is not acceptable and the infiltration of our government by tyrants is intolerable. Investigate, prosecute, or kill the opposition but ultimately it will not matter. There are tens of millions of true Americans who will oppose Obama's tyranny at all costs.
The Obama regime has declared war on the American people. It is time to pick sides.
Obama's regime is targeting Sheriff Joe Arapaio for criminal prosecution for his enforcement of Arizona immigration enforcement law.
Even the mere hint of such an act should send shivers down your spine. If it doesn't consider that Nancy Pelosi is similarly demanding a witch hunt on those who oppose building a mosque at ground zero. A mosque at ground zero? Who doesn't oppose that? Investigate me, Pelosi.
Back on immigration. Arapaio is a patriot trying to enforce the laws as he was elected to do. In stark contrast, our federal government is repeatedly prosecuting its own law enforcement agents for enforcing the laws while millions of criminals and terrorists stroll into our country every year unmolested. This is an outrage.
The federal government should be hiring Arapaio not prosecuting or investigating him. Attorney General Holder is the criminal here. Obama is the criminal here. Rather than enforce our immigration, drug, and anti-gang laws they are abusing their power and our tax money by harassing patriotic Americans who want our country secured from outside threats.
Ultimately, the American people will stand against Obama and his regime and with Arapaio. The invasion of our country from outside forces is not acceptable and the infiltration of our government by tyrants is intolerable. Investigate, prosecute, or kill the opposition but ultimately it will not matter. There are tens of millions of true Americans who will oppose Obama's tyranny at all costs.
The Obama regime has declared war on the American people. It is time to pick sides.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Obama Can Demand Your Citizenship Status -- Arizona Cannot
Obama is superior to, and more important than, Arizona.
Here is just how superior this Ass believes himself to be. High school children are required to disclose their citizenship status just to be within 10 feet of Obama. That's right. Your Supreme Commander is forcing children to disclose their citizenship status without any probable cause or even any suspicion of any wrongdoing at all. Full background checks are being done on children at their own high school graduation just to get near his holiness.
One reason this so-called security measure angers me is because of the hypocrisy of this administration and the recent fallout about Arizona's' new (and quite brilliant) law allowing law enforcement officers to inquire about the citizenship status of people they suspect of crimes.
Obama, on one hand requires children to provide their citizenship status and submit to a background investigation to meet him while on the other hand decrying Arizona as racist for doing less when investigating actual crimes committed be actual criminals. He said, "in the United States of America no law-abiding person [except law-abiding children in his presence] should ever be subject to suspicion simply because of what they look like."
Oh, now I get why it's not hypocrisy. Obama is not subjecting these law-abiding children to invasive background checks based on how they look. He is infringing their civil rights for all the students regardless of their appearance. Arizona is different (racist, evil, hateful, etc.) because they are only asking for the citizenship status of suspected criminals. Somehow, that is worse than demanding investigations into everyone?
Here is my solution. All we need is one of those students to tell Obama "go to hell" and refuse to submit to the background check but still demand to be allowed to attend their own graduation ceremony. The supreme administration and news outlets would freak out. This would be great because the school cannot force the students to submit to a background investigation that if not done voluntarily, violates the student's civil rights and the school cannot refuse the student admission to his own graduation.
Its a perfect catch-22, but alas, I suspect that all of the students will salivate at Obama's feet and subject themselves to this outrageous civil rights violation. I am still hoping for a hold-out though.
Here is just how superior this Ass believes himself to be. High school children are required to disclose their citizenship status just to be within 10 feet of Obama. That's right. Your Supreme Commander is forcing children to disclose their citizenship status without any probable cause or even any suspicion of any wrongdoing at all. Full background checks are being done on children at their own high school graduation just to get near his holiness.
One reason this so-called security measure angers me is because of the hypocrisy of this administration and the recent fallout about Arizona's' new (and quite brilliant) law allowing law enforcement officers to inquire about the citizenship status of people they suspect of crimes.
Obama, on one hand requires children to provide their citizenship status and submit to a background investigation to meet him while on the other hand decrying Arizona as racist for doing less when investigating actual crimes committed be actual criminals. He said, "in the United States of America no law-abiding person [except law-abiding children in his presence] should ever be subject to suspicion simply because of what they look like."
Oh, now I get why it's not hypocrisy. Obama is not subjecting these law-abiding children to invasive background checks based on how they look. He is infringing their civil rights for all the students regardless of their appearance. Arizona is different (racist, evil, hateful, etc.) because they are only asking for the citizenship status of suspected criminals. Somehow, that is worse than demanding investigations into everyone?
Here is my solution. All we need is one of those students to tell Obama "go to hell" and refuse to submit to the background check but still demand to be allowed to attend their own graduation ceremony. The supreme administration and news outlets would freak out. This would be great because the school cannot force the students to submit to a background investigation that if not done voluntarily, violates the student's civil rights and the school cannot refuse the student admission to his own graduation.
Its a perfect catch-22, but alas, I suspect that all of the students will salivate at Obama's feet and subject themselves to this outrageous civil rights violation. I am still hoping for a hold-out though.
Sarah Palin for Vice President: Part 2
I just got an advertisement for a motivational speaking engagement coming to my area. Sarah Palin is one of many speakers. Here is my next tip for you Mrs. Palin. Don't associate with SCAM ARTISTS! These "motivational speakers" are merely salesmen trying to sell crap. If you want any credibility (and I am starting to seriously wonder if you do) stop selling yourself to the highest bidder.
You are better than that. At least I thought you were.
You are better than that. At least I thought you were.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Genocide Coming Soon
Genocide is coming soon. The first steps are already in place. We have the Patriot Act that allows government to spy on and control the movements of its law-abiding citizens -- any constitutional or privacy issues be damned. We have government mandated health care, government controlled banking, education, health, automotive, energy, government attacking private citizens who disagree with the fascist agenda of the current regime, and government controlled media. You can't take a single step if this government doesn't want you to.
With such an oppressive infrastructure in place, the next logical step is registration of people and that is exactly what is coming soon. That's right democrats want to institute a federal identification system including biometric information about each and every American subject.
Genocide seems quite strong though doesn't it? Nope. Once the identification system takes place you will be dead unless you comply. Without the government identification you will be denied health care (remember they control that too). You will be denied the right to drive, to fly, or to use public transportation which for most of us will prevent us from working. But despite having no job, you won't get welfare, social security, medicare, or medicaid either. You may not be rounded up in the streets by roving security forces (but don't dismiss that possibility outright either) but you will be allowed to starve to death or die from a medical condition.
This will not be genocide against an ethnic group or religion (though don't rule out that possibility) but it will be genocide against anyone who believes in liberty enough to resist such oppression. Political dissenters are dead under the policies of this regime. The dictators of history would be proud.
And by the way, watch for strict gun control measures next. Gun control will be based on government mandated health care on the false premise that guns are dangerous to our national health and the regime will track gun owners through this federal identification.
With such an oppressive infrastructure in place, the next logical step is registration of people and that is exactly what is coming soon. That's right democrats want to institute a federal identification system including biometric information about each and every American subject.
Genocide seems quite strong though doesn't it? Nope. Once the identification system takes place you will be dead unless you comply. Without the government identification you will be denied health care (remember they control that too). You will be denied the right to drive, to fly, or to use public transportation which for most of us will prevent us from working. But despite having no job, you won't get welfare, social security, medicare, or medicaid either. You may not be rounded up in the streets by roving security forces (but don't dismiss that possibility outright either) but you will be allowed to starve to death or die from a medical condition.
This will not be genocide against an ethnic group or religion (though don't rule out that possibility) but it will be genocide against anyone who believes in liberty enough to resist such oppression. Political dissenters are dead under the policies of this regime. The dictators of history would be proud.
And by the way, watch for strict gun control measures next. Gun control will be based on government mandated health care on the false premise that guns are dangerous to our national health and the regime will track gun owners through this federal identification.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Sarah Palin for Vice President: Part I
This is Part One of a series I will write on Sarah Palin for Vice President. The point of this series is to vent my frustration with how poorly she managed her last campaign and to discuss the incompetence of her advisers. If she follows my advice she will be the next Vice President of this country, if it still exists by the next presidential election in 2012.
Tip #1. Stop letting everyone kiss you when you come on stage. Men don't kiss each other under the same circumstances and it is degrading to a presidential candidate, male or female, to be kissed on the cheek just for entering a room. Keep degrading yourself in that manner and you will never win.
Tip# 2. Stop talking in that "folksy" manner. It too is degrading and stereotypes you as stupid, which you are certainly not. Speak clearly and concisely without the local jargon. It is not endearing and does not make you fit in more with the common man. Keep speakin' like ya just fell off a turnip truck and ya will never win.
Tip #3. Do not run with a moderate like Romney or McCain. To us actual conservatives moderate means liberal and we will not vote for you with one on your ticket. McCain killed your chances of winning the last election. He refused to campaign with any vigor at all and because of his moderate (i.e. liberal) position, lost you votes. Indeed, the only reason McCain was so close last election was because of you. Seriously, to me it looked like McCain threw the election purposely. Romney, like McCain, is a liberal to the core. He is the architect of government forced health care and he will never get the conservative vote. Lose the moderates or lose the race.
That's it for now. More tips for Sarah Palin coming soon.
Tip #1. Stop letting everyone kiss you when you come on stage. Men don't kiss each other under the same circumstances and it is degrading to a presidential candidate, male or female, to be kissed on the cheek just for entering a room. Keep degrading yourself in that manner and you will never win.
Tip# 2. Stop talking in that "folksy" manner. It too is degrading and stereotypes you as stupid, which you are certainly not. Speak clearly and concisely without the local jargon. It is not endearing and does not make you fit in more with the common man. Keep speakin' like ya just fell off a turnip truck and ya will never win.
Tip #3. Do not run with a moderate like Romney or McCain. To us actual conservatives moderate means liberal and we will not vote for you with one on your ticket. McCain killed your chances of winning the last election. He refused to campaign with any vigor at all and because of his moderate (i.e. liberal) position, lost you votes. Indeed, the only reason McCain was so close last election was because of you. Seriously, to me it looked like McCain threw the election purposely. Romney, like McCain, is a liberal to the core. He is the architect of government forced health care and he will never get the conservative vote. Lose the moderates or lose the race.
That's it for now. More tips for Sarah Palin coming soon.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Health Care Micromanagment is Here
Well, it has begun. The federal government has its health care plan and is starting its enslavement of the American people off right.
First, the FDA is talking about regulating salt. Yes, salt. Its justification is that Americans have not voluntarily reduced their salt intake despite 40 years of its warnings that too much salt is unhealthy. Seriously, its justifying controlling our salt intake on the grounds that you have no self-control. I guess next to the guns and ammo now I have to horde salt too.
Our federal overlords are also threatening to regulate our kids' diets more closely on the grounds that our kids are too fat and are therefore a security risk because they can't serve in the military.
Where am I? Is any of this crap really happening? I truly cannot believe any of us let our government even discuss what we or our children eat let alone actually trying to regulate it. I, for one, will not allow anyone else to dictate my diet. Not my doctor, not my wife, and certainly not my government. I will eat as I please.
The weird part is that when I saw these two news stories on television last night the newscasters did not even remotely seem bothered. They did not seem supportive either mind you but they were certainly not against such government control. And, yes they usually show a bias for or against such things depending on which party is pushing the agenda. They are hardly neutral. In fact, I would bet that if a Republican president tried to push the same regulations it would somehow be an outrage to these media elites.
I wonder how much oppression the American people will take. My guess is a lot more. I also wonder if black market salt will have the potency of the real thing or whether it will be diluted somehow to increase its street value.
First, the FDA is talking about regulating salt. Yes, salt. Its justification is that Americans have not voluntarily reduced their salt intake despite 40 years of its warnings that too much salt is unhealthy. Seriously, its justifying controlling our salt intake on the grounds that you have no self-control. I guess next to the guns and ammo now I have to horde salt too.
Our federal overlords are also threatening to regulate our kids' diets more closely on the grounds that our kids are too fat and are therefore a security risk because they can't serve in the military.
Where am I? Is any of this crap really happening? I truly cannot believe any of us let our government even discuss what we or our children eat let alone actually trying to regulate it. I, for one, will not allow anyone else to dictate my diet. Not my doctor, not my wife, and certainly not my government. I will eat as I please.
The weird part is that when I saw these two news stories on television last night the newscasters did not even remotely seem bothered. They did not seem supportive either mind you but they were certainly not against such government control. And, yes they usually show a bias for or against such things depending on which party is pushing the agenda. They are hardly neutral. In fact, I would bet that if a Republican president tried to push the same regulations it would somehow be an outrage to these media elites.
I wonder how much oppression the American people will take. My guess is a lot more. I also wonder if black market salt will have the potency of the real thing or whether it will be diluted somehow to increase its street value.
Friday, March 26, 2010
What the Hell is Wrong With You America?
Americans are morons. They let ObamaCare become law without any actual debate, without an actual vote, and without any constitutionality. What the hell is wrong with you?
McCain stands ups AFTER ObamaCare passed and started complaining about the process and declaring that the republicans will no longer cooperate in the Senate. I have enough to say on those subjects to write a book but for now it is sufficient to say that McCain is a fool, a liar, a traitor, and a coward. The republicans will always cooperate because they are co-conspirators in the destruction of America. They are liberals in sheep's clothing. McCain is so full of himself that he thinks he is a power player rather than a tool of the Obama administration. McCain, you are the worst kind of republican. You tanked your own party in the presidential election and you tanked your country in this health care vote. Standing up AFTER the passage of a patently illegal act of Congress does nothing but make you a puppet.
America, back to you. The truth about ObamaCare is starting to come out and still where are you? Where is the outrage? All I see on TV are the democrats taunting everyone about how righteous they are for passing this illegal and immoral legislation and the republicans pretending to be upset and in the same breath claiming that some of the health care bill is good and that we need now to merely fix it. Are you kidding me?
Let me be crystal clear about government mandated, controlled, or subsidized health care. The answer for a truly free America is a resounding NO! NEVER!
Let the free market handle health care and anything else for that matter and you will see unparalleled efficiency and affordability. Health care costs are high now not because of lawsuits or malpractice insurance but because the government pays for it. The issue really is that simple. Get all government out and the system will flourish. The purpose of government is supposed to be to protect the state from all threats, foreign and domestic. In a free society government cannot provide for its citizens. At the moment it does, citizens turn to subjects.
The only solution to fixing ObamaCare is to REPEAL the ever-loving crap out of it. Anything less is enslavement of the American people, whether they know it or not.
McCain stands ups AFTER ObamaCare passed and started complaining about the process and declaring that the republicans will no longer cooperate in the Senate. I have enough to say on those subjects to write a book but for now it is sufficient to say that McCain is a fool, a liar, a traitor, and a coward. The republicans will always cooperate because they are co-conspirators in the destruction of America. They are liberals in sheep's clothing. McCain is so full of himself that he thinks he is a power player rather than a tool of the Obama administration. McCain, you are the worst kind of republican. You tanked your own party in the presidential election and you tanked your country in this health care vote. Standing up AFTER the passage of a patently illegal act of Congress does nothing but make you a puppet.
America, back to you. The truth about ObamaCare is starting to come out and still where are you? Where is the outrage? All I see on TV are the democrats taunting everyone about how righteous they are for passing this illegal and immoral legislation and the republicans pretending to be upset and in the same breath claiming that some of the health care bill is good and that we need now to merely fix it. Are you kidding me?
Let me be crystal clear about government mandated, controlled, or subsidized health care. The answer for a truly free America is a resounding NO! NEVER!
Let the free market handle health care and anything else for that matter and you will see unparalleled efficiency and affordability. Health care costs are high now not because of lawsuits or malpractice insurance but because the government pays for it. The issue really is that simple. Get all government out and the system will flourish. The purpose of government is supposed to be to protect the state from all threats, foreign and domestic. In a free society government cannot provide for its citizens. At the moment it does, citizens turn to subjects.
The only solution to fixing ObamaCare is to REPEAL the ever-loving crap out of it. Anything less is enslavement of the American people, whether they know it or not.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Just Embrace ObamaCare Already --- NOT!!!
Here is a thought.
I was initially going to oppose ObamaCare - to the death. I was planning to oppose it, never enroll or give them my information, openly refuse to pay the fines, and let the government imprison me for refusing to insure myself through their fascist plan. Now I am considering another approach to my impending enslavement.
Maybe it would be more effective to embrace rather than oppose ObamaCare. I could go to the doctor once a week, get numerous prescriptions for every ailment under the sun, and have as many surgeries as I can bear. Since ObamaCare is going to pass regardless of its illegality and regardless of its unpopularity, we have two choices. Either fight and die or embrace the horrific changes and bankrupt the whole system. Either way Obama -- not the people -- wins.
I was initially going to oppose ObamaCare - to the death. I was planning to oppose it, never enroll or give them my information, openly refuse to pay the fines, and let the government imprison me for refusing to insure myself through their fascist plan. Now I am considering another approach to my impending enslavement.
Maybe it would be more effective to embrace rather than oppose ObamaCare. I could go to the doctor once a week, get numerous prescriptions for every ailment under the sun, and have as many surgeries as I can bear. Since ObamaCare is going to pass regardless of its illegality and regardless of its unpopularity, we have two choices. Either fight and die or embrace the horrific changes and bankrupt the whole system. Either way Obama -- not the people -- wins.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
You Will Comply
John Hood of the Carolina Journal online has openly declared that if ObamaCare becomes a reality he will not comply because ObamaCare will not legally become law. I applaud this decision and Mr. Hood's spot-on analysis of why ObamaCare is, in fact, illegal. Nonetheless, I am sorry to tell you John, resistance is futile. You will comply.
ObamaCare will become law. Yes, it will be done illegally without a proper vote. Yes, it will be done in the dead of night over the weekend when no one is paying attention. And, yes, it will be done against the will of the American people. But make no mistake about it. ObamaCare is coming and nothing short of a full-blown revolution will stop it.
As for the compliance of the people, that is all but assured. Under ObamaCare you will be required to report your health insurance status to the IRS and you will be fined for failing to obtain government mandated coverage. If you fail to report, or you fail to be covered, you will be convicted of a crime and you will get ObamaCare during your stay in federal prison.
Even if there was some way you could stay off ObamaCare without becoming a criminal you would still find yourself, and your family, denied medical care. Providers will simply refuse to treat you if you fail to provide them with your Social Security Number and proof that you are a loyal subject with Obama-approved insurance. They will let you die if necessary.
I support you 100% John, and I hope ObamaCare dies. Otherwise, you and I will be forced to choose between capitulating to a patently corrupt government or risking our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor opposing it.
ObamaCare will become law. Yes, it will be done illegally without a proper vote. Yes, it will be done in the dead of night over the weekend when no one is paying attention. And, yes, it will be done against the will of the American people. But make no mistake about it. ObamaCare is coming and nothing short of a full-blown revolution will stop it.
As for the compliance of the people, that is all but assured. Under ObamaCare you will be required to report your health insurance status to the IRS and you will be fined for failing to obtain government mandated coverage. If you fail to report, or you fail to be covered, you will be convicted of a crime and you will get ObamaCare during your stay in federal prison.
Even if there was some way you could stay off ObamaCare without becoming a criminal you would still find yourself, and your family, denied medical care. Providers will simply refuse to treat you if you fail to provide them with your Social Security Number and proof that you are a loyal subject with Obama-approved insurance. They will let you die if necessary.
I support you 100% John, and I hope ObamaCare dies. Otherwise, you and I will be forced to choose between capitulating to a patently corrupt government or risking our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor opposing it.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Shut Up Already!
I talk to a lot of people every day and it never ceases to amaze me how long a person can ramble on without ever actually saying anything of substance.
Shut up already!
Shut up already!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Democrat = Corrupt
Further evidence that our government is completely corrupt is the recent development that the democrats are refusing to seat Scott Brown until next week even though he was duly elected by the people to represent them.
Democrat Al Franken was seated one week after his election was certified. In contrast, Republican Scott Brown has already waited three weeks and the Democrats want him to wait one more. Four times longer than it took to seat Franken.
That is more than a double standard. That is corruption at its core. The Democrats are delaying things as long as they can because the person sitting in Brown's seat is a Democrat and they don't want to lose their super-majority.
Let me be very clear. The Democrats don't care what the people want and they don't care how blatant their corruption.
Democrat Al Franken was seated one week after his election was certified. In contrast, Republican Scott Brown has already waited three weeks and the Democrats want him to wait one more. Four times longer than it took to seat Franken.
That is more than a double standard. That is corruption at its core. The Democrats are delaying things as long as they can because the person sitting in Brown's seat is a Democrat and they don't want to lose their super-majority.
Let me be very clear. The Democrats don't care what the people want and they don't care how blatant their corruption.
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