Friday, December 4, 2009

Paper or Plastic ... Neither

I have come up with another idea to anger a liberal.

When you go to the grocery store and the clerk asks you if you want "paper or plastic" look at her with a cold look in your eye and say "leather."

And tell her you won't reuse the leather grocery bag. You want a new one each time you come in.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Obama surrendered. America lost the war.

Yes, I know Obama does not think announcing that America will pull out of Afghanistan in eighteen months as a surrender, nor does the media. But I do and its my blog.

This concept is really simple but obviously our moron president doesn't get it. NEVER tell your opponent that you will stop fighting if it can just hold out a little while longer. NEVER.

And combine this surrender with opening our borders to anyone breathing like Obama is doing and there is only one conclusion. America has surrendered, the terrorists won.

Thanks jackass.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Trees for Guns

I am extending a new offer for anyone interested in "going green." Here is the offer.

For every firearm you transfer to me I will give you a tree. If you have no place to plant the tree I will plant it for you.

Feel free to email me if you want your tree.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Obamacare is Not Even Arguably Constititional

Government mandated health care violates the United States Constitution.

Government mandated health care violates my First Amendment right to freely exercise my religion since it forces me to pay for abortions and to redistribute wealth against my will both of which violate my religious beliefs.

Obamacare violates my Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms since it will be used to infringe on those rights (forcing me to disclose ownership, storage practices to doctors, etc.) under the guise of health care. This one actually already happens at my kids pediatrician, it is just not forced yet.

Obamacare violates my Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable governmental intrusions. Indeed, my entire medical history and condition will be at the government's fingertips and CONTROL.

It violates my Fifth Amendment right to not incriminate myself in criminal matters. Anything I say to a government owned doctor will surely not be private.

It violates my Eighth Amendment right to not have cruel or unusual punishments be inflicted upon me. For government to determine what care, if any, you will receive is certainly cruel and unusual. Moreover, the threat of criminal penalties and imprisonment for failing to fully participate in government controlled health care is also plainly cruel and unusual. The punishment does not even remotely fit the crime which should not even exist.

Government mandated health care also violates the Ninth and Tenth Amendments which EXPLICITLY PROHIBIT the federal government from infringing the rights of the people that are not specifically enumerated. Those rights include my right to choose my own health care, to not have my wealth redistributed against my will, to not have my health care rationed, to keep my medical conditions private, and to live in a free market as the founders intended.

Remember, the Constitution is an enumeration of powers granted BY THE PEOPLE to the federal government. Nothing in the Constitution even arguably grants the government the power to force the people to purchase anything against their will, especially under the threat of criminal imprisonment.

What about the commerce clause you ask? The commerce clause does not provide any authority for government mandated health care. It merely provides a mechanism to assure uniformity in interstate commerce. The Supreme Court has gone way too far with interpreting how much regulation the government can do but forcing people to purchase a government operated and controlled commodity IS COMPLETELY UNPRECEDENTED.

Never before throughout all recorded history has a government ever had laws in place that punish people criminally for merely existing.

Liberal Media Fears Truth Above All Else

The Associated Press hired 11 people to fact check Sarah Palin's new book. In contrast, they hired ZERO people to fact check Obama's book.

This is significant for two reasons. First, this reveals the true character of liberalism and its destructive nature. Liberals entire purpose is to destroy everything around them except themselves. They do not want the truth and they do not want anyone other than themselves to grow or prosper.

Second, liberals hate the truth and they hate ANYTHING that exposes the truth. They fear Palin because the truth is that America is more like her than it is like Obama. Indeed, if America was paying any attention at all they would realize that Obama is completely the opposite of everything for which our founding fathers fought and died.

When he speaks try counting the amount of times he uses the words freedom or liberty in the context of the American people having any. He never does. EVER.

Palin is a wake up call to the liberal establishment that they will cease to exist if the truth is actually told. Palin against Obama would be no contest if the truth ever gets out. Indeed, if the presidential election could occur today Palin would win by a Reaganesque landslide.

CSI Stole My Idea (Sort of Anyway)

A few months ago I came up with an idea for NCIS, my favorite show. The idea was that a terrorist would plant a bomb at a party of dignitaries and plant fake DNA on the bomb. Yes, scientists recently discovered that you can fake DNA. Anyway, the fake DNA would be from Kate who was killed about five years ago giving the show an awesome Kate twist. She is awesome for those of you who do not know. At the end Gibbs would be finishing his boat and painting "Kaitlyn" as its name for a profound ending.

Anyway, I am feeling crapulent about my awesome idea because CSI, a stupid junk science show is using my idea. No, they did not steal it from me, they just had the same idea.

So, to the writer who used my idea I hope you enjoy your buckets of money that should rightfully belong to me since I thought of the idea first.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Stop the Withholding = Stop the Tyranny

The House passed a 1990 page bill for universal health care a few days ago. The bill will literally enslave us -- criminal penalties and all. I for one am tired of this tyranny and I have an idea to stop it dead in its tracks.

Everyone who has their taxes withheld from their paychecks should stop the withholding for just a few months. I am not saying they don't pay taxes. I am just saying stop the automatic withholding. Instead, they would save the money that would have normally been withheld and simply pay it at the end of the year.

If enough Americans ended the withholding the government would see a massive and instant drop in revenue. If they do not fear us then they never will.

As a bonus, ending the withholding would also allow people to see in a tangible way just how much money the government is stealing from them. Its a win-win.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Homosexuals Attack Other People's Freedom of Speech -- Again

NFL football player Larry Johnson made comments that offended homosexuals and now they are petitioning to have him fired.

Petition Calls for NFL Running Back to Be Sacked After Gay Slurs

I have no idea what is wrong with Americans. Michael Vick brutally kills and tortures hundreds of dogs sadistically and he plays on. How do any mere words ever raise to a more offensive level that that?

America, your priorities are messed up. Johnson exercised his right to free speech. If you don't like what he said DON'T LISTEN.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Bidets are Stupid

I read an article today about a company that wants to sell bidets to Americans using the pitch that it will allow us to use less toilet paper. I won't bother you with the link. The concept that we can save the Earth by doing anything is getting quite tiresome but to argue that a bidet will help is complete lunacy.

Paper grows on trees. Water, at least clean, usable water, does not. Indeed, in many parts of the world it is a rarity. If the goal is to save the planet we should be using toilet paper rather than water to clean our naughty bits. My local government wants me to water my lawn less often, why would they want me to use more water in the restroom?

I also can't figure out how to use a bidet. How do you dry yourself off after using the bidet if you have no toilet paper and you are in a public restroom? Do you just pull up your pants over a wet bottom? And, who wants your waste, and other people's waste, squirting all over your naked body. Gross.

Bidets are stupid. America is superior to all other countries for several reasons; the Second Amendment, awesome TV shows, we spell "color" correctly without a "u," and WE DON"T USE BIDETS!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Obama: Government will Raise Your Children, Not You.

After everything else he has done to encroach on your freedom and indoctrinate your kids Obama now wants to increase the time your kids will spend in school.

His proposal is to add three hours a day, keep kids in the summer, and leave schools open during the weekends so kids can have a "safe" place to be. Are you kidding me? This guy truly does think he is the Messiah. He must or he would not even attempt such a ridiculous move.

If Obama actually succeeds in lengthening the time your kids are in school watch for the widespread outrage. Indeed, mark my words. If he succeeds in lengthening the school day he will have to also have to outlaw home school with criminal penalties involved. Otherwise, public education (indoctrination) is dead because all but the poorest of Americans will pull their kids out of school.

My kids do not belong to the government. They are mine. I will raise them and I will protect them from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. My kids will not chant blind praises to Obama and my kids will not attend school any longer than I determine is necessary.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Open Letter to Obama

Obama is planning to speak on TV to our children in school next week. He is planning such a time and forum because it forces our children to view his propaganda without our presence. A captive audience is a receptive audience after all.

In response to Obama's plan to indoctrinate my children I have written the following letter. Please feel free to copy and use it if you so wish.

Dear Mr. Obama,

Go to Hell.


Its Time to Wake Up!

This is it. This is the final wake up call. If these stories do not terrify you into action, nothing will until it is too late.

First, The IRS, that's right, the IRS, will administer Obamacare. Who trusts this to go well? I, for one, will never pay another dime in federal taxes if the IRS ever actually gets the power to decide my health care.

Next, state governments are already circumventing your Constitutional right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. Pandemic bill allows health authorities to enter homes, detain without warrant. Remember the disastrous results of the same type of "emergency powers" after the hurricane in New Orleans? It's about to get far worse. Under this bill the police can force their way in and force you to be innoculated or quarantined against your will. There are fines and criminal penalties for your failure to comply, at least.

And, finally (if only it could actually be finally) Obama is seeking the power to seize the Internet at his discretion and without so much as an explanation. Obviously, only Democrat Presidents will have such a power. Once a Republican gets into office this power will somehow become unconstitutional even though it was somehow not unconstittutional before.

That's it. Your terror update for today. Oddly, I now fear the United States government more than any terrorist group anywhere. Blowing up somehow seems fun compared to our sure to be brutal future.

It really seems odd to me that the most benevolent country in the world is so easily turning into a sadistic fascist dictatorship. I have had enough change Obama. Its time to change it back.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Abortion in Obamacare = No More Murderous Choice Morons

I want to make a point that I have not been hearing anyone else discuss.

The liberals adamantly and even violently fought for the last 40 years to keep government out of their health care (abortion) choices. Now, for some inexplicable reason they want government to decide all of your health care decisions? An illogical move to say the least.

Don't they understand that under Obamacare their right to murder their babies will be governed completely and totally by government? And, as written, judicial oversight over the government decisions is prohibited. Obamacare completely ends the right to abortion and worse, it explicitly preempts any further judicial oversight of the issue. Under Obamacare, Roe v. Wade is as dead as a 12 week fetus in a promiscuous liberal woman with a promising career ahead of her.

They fought for the right to choose and now they fight against the right to choose. Are liberals really this stupid?

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Those WERE the droids I was looking for ...

Democracy is Dead -- Long Live ObamaCare

I have read a lot of articles and blogs talking about Obama's horrible and oppressive health care bill. People (including me) are upset because they will lose their freedom and they will be taxed into oblivion. As evil as those issues are, they are not really the point.

The real point is that ObamaCare is a complete and irreversible destruction of the very foundation of America. Our founding fathers created this county to be free. They did not want their government controlling every aspect of their lives. Paradoxically, we now seem to be begging for it. Please, Uncle Sam, give me a job, give me a home, give me health care, tell me how to raise my kids, force me to wear a seatbelt, feed me.

The point of vigorously opposing ObamaCare is not the cost, rationing, or even the euthanasia that will inevitably occur. The point is that allowing your government that final control over your existence will destroy the remnants of the already tattered foundation of democracy itself.

When your government takes your income and distributes it at its whims, democracy no longer exists. Tyranny takes its place. It is tyranny when your government decides whether or not you live or die. It is tyranny when your politicions are so in lockstep with each other that elections become irrelevant. It is tyranny when your government is so corrupt that it lives under a different set of rules than its citizenry. Merely desiring complete control over your life and death is itself tyranny.

If ObamaCare passes, democracy itself is dead. Although, it might be dead already.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

ObamaCare: Government Agents Raising Your Kids

Under ObamaCare, government agents will dictate how you raise your children; including home visitation to indoctrinate you and your children according to government approved standards.

This Dirty Secret No. 1 in Obamacare is designed to undermine American families and to destroy religion. The government has been indoctrinating us for decades and the American population has been very receptive, so why not push to the end? They have spent decades teaching false religions such as multiculturalism, political correctness, global warming, racial division, evolution, and that our Constitutituon is a living breathing document. Ending all independant thought was inevitable.

The bottom line for me is that Government agents will NEVER enter my home to indoctrinate me or my children. I will raise my children and I will teach them my religious beliefs, not the government's false religions.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Obama Looking for Snitches

Obama is using the White House website to actively recruit snitches to rat out anyone who opposes the almighty Obama. That's right. Your own government is actively trying to weed out and target dissenters.

It says: "There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain e-mails or through casual conversation. Since we can’t keep track of all of them here at the White House, we’re asking for your help. If you get an e-mail or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to"

Where are we? In America, with George Bush as President, disagreeing is good and even healthy. Remember, it was Hillary, the ice queen herself who said of Bush's presidency, "I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic, and we should stand up and say, "WE ARE AMERICANS AND WE HAVE A RIGHT TO DEBATE AND DISAGREE WITH ANY ADMINISTRATION!"

Now, under an Obama ruled country, the rules have changed dramatically. Free speech is suppressed and attacked. Remember Joe the Plumber? Opposing government, even when it is evil in its purest form, is not to be tolerated. According to the Obamacrats you are racist if you oppose Obama, you are stupid if you oppose global warming, and you are cruel if you oppose state-run health care.

Under Obama, if you are not the almighty Obama himself you aren't smart enough to make any choices. He will make them for you. He will decide when, where, how much, and even if you will get health care. He will decide what kind of vehicles you can drive. He will decide how much power you can use in your own home. He will decide how much money you can earn. He will decide how many children you can have. He will decide how much of your wealth he will take and give to his political allies.

You have been enslaved America. Now, behave or be punished.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Beer Summit: Obama Ignites Racisim in America

Tonight Obama is having his 'Beer Summit' with officer James Crowley who arrested Obama's friend. It is supposed to be some attempt to bridge the racial gap or some ridiculous thing. I have two things to say about this garbage.

First, there was no racial gap in this country until America appointed a racist president Obama to office. He is dividing this country racially and he is resurrecting long-dead racial animosity.

Second, I wish Obama would publicly invite me to the White House for a meeting. My response would be a resounding GO TO HELL. The only way I would ever meet with Obama is if I could publicly reprimand him for tearing this country and our freedom to shreds. Either that or to kick him is the shin or throw my shoe at him.

I would never be Obama's public relations tool.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Truth is the Obamacrats' Deadliest Foe

Tyranny always silences, or at least attempts to silence it critics. The Democrats have created a tyranny in this country and are now attempting to silence the Republicans and their criticism of ObamaCare. If you need further proof of a tyranny in this country just read the news.

Democrats Block GOP Health Care Mailing

This is the kind of thing that will tear this country apart at the seams. Freedom of speech is at the very core of what it once meant to be an American. The Obamacrats* have repeatedly demonstrated their hatred and utter contempt for the Constitution and they will continue doing so unless we stop them.

The truth is the Obamacrats' most powerful enemy and they will take any measures to suppress that enemy.

(* Obamacrats is a term that I just thought of, just now. It means anyone and everyone who follows or tolerates Obama's evil designs. This includes pretty much all Democrats and at least 80% of all Republicans. The term is meant to refer to what has essentially become a one party system in this formerly free Republic.)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

ObamaCare: Either Way, I Will Never Pay

Under Obama's socialized medicine plan, people who choose not to not use it will be fined up to $1000.00 per year. Excuse me? Fined? For not using a government service?

Under Senate Health Care Plan, Either Way you Pay

Seriously, is there anyone, anywhere who actually thinks it is moral to force a person to use a government service he does not want and personally finds completely immoral?

I won't pay this fine. EVER. And I won't sign up or ever use government health care. This is my stand. Fine me and then incarcerate me for not paying the fine. No problem. I can sit in a prison cell for the rest of my life costing the government tens of thousands of dollars every year but I will not sell my soul.

The founding fathers would never pay this fine and I will never pay this fine.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Slavery: Just Make it Official Already

The American government is COMPLETELY and TOTALLY corrupt.

They have enslaved us and we sit back quietly fulfilling their every wish. We have all been enslaved and I, for one, just want it officially declared.

That's right, I am not asking for freedom. That would be impossible under the current regime. I just want slavery made official. Go ahead, take 100% of my income in taxes and give me back whatever you want. Oh, wait --- that is what government already does. They literally take what they want and ALLOW you to keep the remaining portion of your earnings. They decide what portion you will keep and they decide how they will spend the portion they take. Disagree with them only at the point of a gun.

But it is not just that they take anything they want, it is how they waste your money and use your money to pay back those who supported them. A recent report plainly shows the corruption in government by exposing some of the uses for the "stimulus" money. shows the following expenditures:
$5,708,260 FOR 'PROCESS CHEESE'...
$16,784,272 FOR 'CANNED PORK'...
$1,444,100 FOR 'REPAIR DOOR BLDG 5112'...

There is no other way to cut it. Spending YOUR money on wasteful projects and in a clearly wasteful way is corruption. It can't even be mere incompetence. Even a stupid child knows better than to waste money on this level.

If the American government is going to take whatever part of your income and wealth it wants and waste it any way it wants then lets just make it official. If you are a mere citizen of this country and not a politician or some other elite that is above and beyond such oppression then you are a slave. Just come to terms with it already.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Stadium of Fire = Stadium of CRAP

I forgot how abusive and oppressive the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is. Thank you Stadium of Fire for reminding me and refueling a long-dead fire.

I had all but forgotten the various abuses against me over the years by LDS church members such as stealing my property, tormenting me emotionally, physically abusing me, falsely imprisoning me, and even discriminating against me. Leave it up to BYU to remind me.

Thanks Stadium of Fire for reminding me that although the LDS Church is true, its members and even some of its leadership and practices are not.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Airport Security Going Too Far? DUH!

Now people are starting to think the searches of us at the airport are going too far? Give me a break. I have been saying that for decades and now others are finally getting it.

I guess now that liberal drug users are getting caught with illegal drugs they are starting to oppose the oppressive airport searches they once supported. These searches were originally only for weapons and explosives but have crossed into searches for large cash wads, illegal drugs, fake credit cards, prescription drugs, and anything else a low-level relatively untrained government employee deems suspicious.

Over the decades our freedom has slowly eroded I have been one of very few voices decrying ANY encroachment, no matter how small. Now, others seem to be getting the point. I guess most people just don't care about freedom --- until it is completely gone that is.

Too little too late morons. You should have paid attention when you had a chance to prevail.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Federal Agents Hunt for Guns, One House at a Time

I told you this was coming. Door-to-door illegal searches of homes for firearms. Who needs more restrictive gun laws when you have the BATFE?

Read the article here: Federal Agents Hunt for Guns, One House at a Time

These searches raise two serious issues. First, federal agents are violating the law. Yes, I know no actual law still applies to the American government but at least they could pretend like they used to do in the 1980's. Coming to your home after purchasing a firearm or ten is explicitly prohibited by numerous laws and by the at least four Constitutional Amendments. Damn that Constitution again. It almost mattered for a minute there.

Second, the agents are wearing plain clothes. Gangsters wear plain clothes too. And scam artists too. If a person wearing plain clothes came to my door and asked me about what guns I owned my reaction would be to panic. I would assume I am being robbed in a home invasion robbery and I would draw my weapon to defend myself. The most logical reason ANYONE would come to your door and ask about your guns is to rob you. I would not even believe they were federal agents, badges or not, since these searches are so patently illegal.

Prediction: These illegal searches will lead to disaster. They will lead to confiscation of legally purchased and owned firearms, false criminal convictions, and in some cases where people defend themselves thinking they are being robbed, death.

Monday, June 29, 2009

America is a Slave State

I am so tired of people talking about this wonderful free country. Let me be very clear here.


Some of us work very hard and a very large portion of our money (the reward for that hard work) is stolen at gunpoint by our government. That is slavery.

Others don't work at all and they live off the government system; welfare, food stamps, medicaid, etc. They cannot even survive without government assistance. That is slavery.

The government tracks everything we do using traffic cameras, tax returns, employment records, telephone records, census reports, and millions of other data sources. That is slavery.

The government tightly regulates your ability to protect yourself from crime and tyranny. That is slavery.

We cannot act without government involvement or approval. We cannot work, drive, marry, have children, purchase food, watch television, or do ANYTHING else privately and without being monitored, taxed, approved, or all three. That is slavery.

If you are an American you are a slave. If you doubt me stop filing a tax return. Drive a car without government registration. Try buying food without paying tax for the privilege. Try walking a mile without showing up on a camera.

The government decides how much of your wealth it will take. Your government decides whether or not you can have medical care. Your government decides what kind of vehicles you can own, if any. Your government micromanages the smallest detail of your life. Whether you wear a seat belt, eat MSG in your food, paint your house a certain color, protect your family from harm, consume alcohol, or obtain medical care, is all the governments choice; not yours. That is slavery.

The American government has enslaved us. They have made us all into infants who rely on them to either provide, or graciously allow, us to have, food, water, energy, shelter, clothing, transportation, entertainment, protection, and health care at their discretion. The very air you breathe is under the governments control, not yours.

If you think America is a free country you are either a fool or a liar.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Leave David Letterman Alone Already

Now, I don't agree with David Letterman's recent jokes about Sarah Palin's daughter but I do think everyone ought to back off and leave Letterman alone.

The reason is because nobody cared, and quite a few laughed, when every comedian on Earth made jokes about Michael Jackson getting little boys drunk and raping them. Now, everyone is somehow freaking out by two jokes that were not even about rape or about a child. Letterman claims he was talking about Sarah Palin's 18 year old daughter, not her 14 year old. And, I heard the jokes. They were not about rape or child molestation. They were about consensual sex, one with somebody named A-Rod (whoever that is) and the other about Eliot Spitzer.

No, I do not think the jokes were even remotely appropriate. They outrage me just like the media attacks on Sarah Palin and her family during the presidential campaign outraged me. I just think some consistency and sanity are in order here.

If it is an outrage to joke about consensual sex then why isn't anyone outraged by jokes about drugging and raping little boys?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Death of Democracy is Here

ABC News is giving up complete control to Obama and will even broadcast from inside the White House. This is the death of democracy. State run media is crucial to tyranny since it keeps people from knowing the truth.

Sure, the American media has been liberal for at least the last 40 years but actually merging government with the media is unprecedented --- in America anyway.

In communist countries merging government and media is par for the course. China, North Korea, and the former Soviet Union all have state controlled media. In Iran the government is using the media right now to pretend hundreds of thousands of people are not protesting the recent sham elections. Hitler and Mussolini used the media extensively to coerce submission to their will.

"Truth is the greatest enemy of the State." Joseph Goebbels, Hitler's Reich Minister of Propaganda.

Friday, June 12, 2009

More corruption in our government

I am tired of people saying they are worried about where this country is headed. They need to stop worrying about where it is headed and instead worry --- no, show outrage--- at where this country is.

The American government is completely corrupt.

In his latest illegal action Obama has fired the Inspector General of AmeriCorps; a supposedly independent oversight organization. This is pure, unadulterated corruption. Obama fired this man because he investigated Obama supporters and found they were acting illegally. This is Chicago thuggary at its best.

Obama's justice department also dropped criminal charges against some New Black Panthers who were intimidating voters through the use of force. They were wearing military style uniforms, openly carrying weapons, and uttering racial remarks at a polling station to prevent voters from exercising their right to vote. Try that in my town.

The fact that Obama would commit or even tolerate these kinds of illegal actions proves that he is corrupt. Obama is an enemy to America and to our former way of life.

Anyone who is worried about where we are headed is not paying attention. We are already there.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Democrats Locked Senate Chamber in New York

I love this story. This is a perfect view of our unraveling liberty.

In New York, Democrats actually locked the doors to the senate chamber to keep out Republicans.

This is awesome! You know government is falling apart when one party is so corrupt that it takes illegal action against the other party and against the very people who elected them.

Actually the democrats are just angry because someone is finally standing up to them. Either way the arrogance and raw corruption in both parties is showing vividly in Now York today.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Al Gore to make billions.

Cap and trade will enslave Americans but at least Al Gore will make billions from the deal.

Gee, I wonder if that is why he has been forcing the global warming MYTH down our throats for so many years even while the Earth cools down.

Sorry, if I sound angry or sarcastic. This story has my 'I told you so' meter swinging off the scales.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Chinese Hummer Anyone?

Hummer is being sold to a Chinese company.

Nothing symbolizes the death of capitalism and the rise of socialism better.

25% Federal Sales Tax is Red Herring

Our national government is trying to pass a national sales tax of 25%. They call it a value added tax. I call it complete crap.

First, this tax is a red herring. Democrats ask for a 25% tax because all they want is some tax. Even 1% would satisfy them because they only want to plant a seed. They want the American people to get used to a national tax so they can increase it later. Republicans are so stupid that, rather than fight such a tax to the death as our founders would have done, they will compromise and call it their victory when only a 5% national sales tax is actually passed. Democrats are puppetmasters to be sure.

Second, a national sales tax will destroy what is left of our economy. Consumption will plummet and more people will begin trading for goods. The black markets will flourish.

Third, a small (read .25% or so) national sales tax would be a fine idea IF THERE WERE NO OTHER FEDERAL TAXES AND THE TAX ITSELF IS PERMANENTLY CAPPED. As long as there are other federal taxes being drawn no national sales tax should be imposed.

Fourth, once a national sales tax is imposed it will never be taken away. If you have no other reason to oppose a national sales tax this should do it. Government takes but it never really gives anything back. Any politician who claims the sales tax is temporary should have his lobotomy reversed. Even a stupid child would understand that if the government gets people to pay anything they will always have to pay something.

Finally, politicians may try to drop the national sales tax and instead push for taxes on production and importation of goods. This is the same thing. Companies do not pay taxes. Their customers do. Increase the costs of production, transportation, or any other aspect of providing goods and services and the company will increase its prices. This is basic economics.

The bottom line is that a national sales tax is tyranny. The actual point is who cares? Our government is almost completely corrupt in every way and our citizenry is so apathetic, uneducated, and patently stupid that freedom is doomed.

Any form of taxation at gunpoint is tyranny.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Today's Headlines should read "The Certain Death of Liberty has Arrived"

I am clipping links to some of today's news stories to illustrate the death of liberty.

First, the war on Christianity continues with a San Diego County trying to stop private Bible studies in a private home. Witch Hunt anyone?

Next, Nancy Pelosi has declared that "every aspect of our lives must be subjected to inventory." Hitler tried the same thing.

Third, the American government now owns 72.5% of General Motors with the United Auto Workers Union owning another 17.5%. Marx would be so proud.

Fourth, and most Hitleresque of all; Obama is targeting and shutting down car dealers who disagree with him politically -- whether profitable or not.

If these stories do not boil your blood with terror or anger then nothing will. Today's headlines prove that liberty is in its final days.

And I didn't even include anything about the Sotomayer appointment to the Supreme Court which is obviously based on race, gender, and politics rather than merit or qualifications. Seriously, this woman has been reversed 60% of the time in her decisions. That alone should disqualify her. Does anyone seriously think that the most qualified person in the country to sit on the Supreme Court is a Hispanic woman?

Sorry, Martin Luther King Jr., your dream is long dead.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Star Trek Movie

Spoiler alert! Do not read this unless you have seen the new Star Trek movie.

I hate time travel. Until now.

Let me explain why.

Most time travel movies change the movie history or real history. Usually, time travel saves the day and everything goes to exactly as it was before or better. I can't think of any time travel movie where things were worse at the end of the movie.

But Star Trek did something that has not only never been done before, but could not have ever been done before. First, Star Trek completely wiped out its own legacy. Everything that happened in the numerous movies and television series (except Enterprise) was wiped out. But even that is not enough to reduce my hatred of time travel. Indeed, wiping out its own history is really just a marketing tactic, though brilliantly done.

The reason Star Trek was revolutionary and why I enjoyed the time travel aspect of this movie is because we now get to live an alternate future. No other movie can do that. We grew up with Star Trek and lived with it through more than 30 years. We know the characters and the stories because we lived them too. We know who dies, how they die, and when they die. We explored the universe with Kirk, Picard, Janeway (boo) and we experienced Star Trek for 30 plus years. It is as much a part of our lives as anything else in our culture. But now all of that is gone.

The true brilliance of purging its own history though is that we get to re-live those decades all over again and things may not (probably will not) ever be the same. Will Kirk ever have trouble with tribbles? Will Kirk ever know, need, or use the Corbomite maneuver? Will Picard ever meet Q? Will Janeway ever stop crying? Only time will tell. Maybe that stuff happens differently now or never at all. The point is we get to wonder as though we are or were actual participants in those events and in the time travel that purged those events. We are Spock -- sort of.

The bottom line is that new Star Trek movie was incredible in its use of time travel. Only Star Trek could wipe out OUR decades of experiences and OUR decades of knowledge and allow us to re-live a different history. No other film could even try to do that.

This movie brilliantly reinvented Star Trek and paved the way for another 30 years of Star Trek. Star Trek will live long and prosper.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Banking Riots for Morons

Riots are starting in England -- against the banking industry.

G20 protesters smash windows, clash with police

What is wrong with these people? They are actually mad at the banks? It was the banks who gave them loans to buy homes and cars and it was the banks who gave them a safe place to keep their wealth. The banks helped them out in times of need. The banks simplifyed their lives with debit and credit cards. And, it was the banks that organized their finances with online banking and bill pay. The banks they are rioting against provided these people with services that are extremely beneficial, convenient, and at times crucial.

Even now, these people all continue using these banking services. I wonder how many rioters stopped at an ATM on the way home from a long day of rioting. Or, how many rioters will even see the irony of using their bank issued credit card to post bail when they are arrested or to pay medical bills for riot related injuries.

These rioters -- I refuse to call them mere protesters -- are the biggest idiots known to man.

Government controls caused this banking "crisis" and government spending keeps fueling the fire. Regardless of the truth, these rioters are so stupid that they believe the lies of the liberal media and liberal government and have channeled their rage at the very hand that feeds them.

Government is to blame. If you are going to protest, complain, or riot at least point yourself at the guilty party. Leave the bankers alone. Bankers are people too.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Direct Taxes Will Set America Free

America is not free. Anyone who disagrees with me please challenge me on the issue. There is not one single aspect of your life that is not controlled, approved, or taxed by your government in some way. That is intolerable oppression.

The problem is apathy. No one pays attention to these controls or taxes so either no one cares or they do not even know it is happening. As long as people feel free it does not matter to them that they are not. And, America fosters apathy rather than defeats it. Education, media, and the courts are all controlled by liberals who have carefully crafted these institutions over the decades into creating a mindless populace. Most "conservative" sources have even started leaning left in the last few decades.

My solution to this apathy is really simple. I propose an amendment to our federal Constitution that requires the government agencies who tax us to tax us directly. No more bundling taxes into your phone, power, water, and cable bills. No more withholding from your paycheck. No more financing sales tax into your car payment. No more concealing taxes into the price of gas and cigarettes. Under my solution, all taxes must be billed directly from the responsible government agency.

Think about the aftermath.

Within only two or three months after receiving dozens of bills for dozens of taxes from dozens of different government entities this country would revolt. Many would be unable to pay their monthly income taxes because they are so oppressively high and hardly anyone would buy a house or car knowing that a lump sum tax bill is immediately due.

More importantly, Americans would be paying attention. Imagine the accountability this Amendment would create. Every penny in tax increases would be immediately felt and people would become far more attentive to all government actions.

Would anyone at all even tolerate taxes at their current rates if they had to see them and pay them separately? No way.

If we want to be free we have to end apathy. Our Constitution should encourage awareness and require governmental honesty. If they want to tax us into destruction make them do it openly.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Turn On for Earth Hour

Earth hour is tomorrow so I just wanted to post a quick reminder.

Please turn on all your lights and appliances from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. so that we can remind that arrogant Mother Earth that it is her duty to provide us energy. We own her and she serves us. A brightly lit house with a few bundles of Christmas lights on the porch should send the proper message. Let's never let Earth forget that mankind is her superior. Indeed, if she ever defies us again we should probably consider destroying her outright. Of course, we all know that mankind is completely incapable of actually destroying the Earth but that can be our little secret.

In any event, if Mother Earth doesn't get the hint from all those lights on at my house maybe the liberal eco-idiots who want to control my usage of energy will. Live free or die.

California is Racist

California wants to ban black cars. Seriously. Black cars.

The fact that California is banning black cars doesn't actually surprise me at all. In fact, I am surprised they aren't banning white cars. Those crackers blind me with their highly reflective white superiority.

For the record, I drive two gray cars since I believe in judging a car by its character, not its color.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Obama Will Send Goons For Me Now

Google had a link to send questions to President Obama. Here is my question posted a few minutes before this post.

"Your presidency parallels that of Adolph Hitler and you have blatantly and repeatedly violated our Constitution. Do you plan eventual genocide as he did or will you instead change your direction midstream and give us back our sacred freedom?"

The website did not have any categories for freedom, genocide, slavery, or oppression so I placed my question in all the other categories. Now, if I disappear or die in an "accident" you will know its because the supreme overlord thug Obama sent his goons to silence me.

If I am ever clear about anything let it be this. I cherish freedom and I am not afraid to speak in its behalf. Obama can send thugs to harass AIG employees, he can pay off Acorn for the fraudulent votes they obtained for him, and he can control every American through intimidation, bribery, or flattery but ONLY DEATH WILL SILENCE ME!

I truly hope Obama fails because if he succeeds in initiating even half of his goals he will trigger a very bloody war in this country; which by the way, is exactly what he wants.

Friday, February 27, 2009

First Amendment Under Fire

A city in Florida is actually fining a man $500.00 a day for posting the words of the First Amendment on his building.

Florida city 'spitting in veterans' faces'

Most of you will find this a little funny but I, for one, find it terrifying. Think about what a government would do if it is willing to fine someone for displaying the very words of our Constitution that protect his right to speak. The irony is almost unbearable. How far would such a government go under the cover of night? How far would it go if it gets away with this garbage?

You should fear any government that would oppress its people in bold defiance of the very document from which it derives its power. This is funny on some level, but it is far more terrifying on the surface. No truly free country would even consider this kind of oppression, let alone actually doing it openly and flagrantly.

Hopefully, the tyrannical arrogance of Clearwater Florida will be defeated rather than spread to other city governments.

This kind of tyranny is why I started this blog and it is why I shall never allow my own voice to be silenced. Indeed, the harder any tyranny tries to silence my voice, the louder it will become.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Good Bye Security and Freedom


The FAILED assault weapons ban is back. Is anyone surprised? No. I thought not.

One funny part of the article is the reason for re-instituting the ban. MEXICO. Seriously, Mexico.

"Mexican government officials have complained that the availability of sophisticated guns from the United States have emboldened drug traffickers to fight over access routes into the U.S."

That is one of the funniest things I have ever read. Mexico is complaining about American guns flooding into Mexico. Am I the only one who gets the irony here? A country that is so corrupt that its criminals flee by the millions and commit crimes in our country and THEY are complaining that it is our "sophisticated" guns that cause crime in their country???

Where am I? If this is not Bizarro World then I am either lost or certifiably insane.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

You Now Owe Obama $62,000.00!!!

The Obama stimulus package will cost the average taxpayer $62,000, if you paid it today.

Considering that the stimulus package is only the tip of the Obama spending iceberg and that you are repaying the stimulus money over time with interest, a paltry $62000.00 looks silly in comparison to the real cost.

Obama has literally enslaved you, your children, and your grandchildren.

Even setting aside the ludicrous uses of the stimulus money, the sheer amount of your personal burden should outrage you. If not, nothing will.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

California is Stealing from its Own People

California is stealing taxpayers' refunds!!!

This is fantastic. First of all, most people who get refunds are really getting a windfall. For them not to get that windfall is just simple justice. For those who actually paid some taxes and they are being deprived of their rightful overpayment, that is simple injustice. The simple reality here, however, is that income taxes are the epitome of injustice. Indeed, taxing a person's income is not simply unjust; it is evil

What really matters here though are those withheld refunds from the people who did not even pay taxes. Those people, the serfs with their greedy, lazy, unwashed hands out, will be the source of the any civil unrest over this issue. Their outrage for not having other peoples' income redistributed to them will cause outrage. There will be some outrage over the stolen overpayments too but those people are hard-working, family oriented, and clean themselves they won't riot over the issue. They will sue however.

My predictions if California actually holds these refunds for a year or more.

1. People whose "refunds" were actually more than they paid in taxes will gather and demonstrate and possibly even riot.
2. California will change its tax code or pass some other law allowing it to keep the refunds permanently.
3. Even after passing a law to allow it to keep the refunds permanently, California will still give "refunds" to those who who never actually paid taxes. It is only the actual overpayments of those who paid that will be kept. Redistribution of wealth will NEVER shrink. Duh.

One final point. Income tax is theft pure and simple. But, when the government violates its own oppressive and confiscatory laws like California has done you know real tyranny is right over your shoulder.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Gun Owner Licensing H.R. 45

I warned you that gun owner licensing was coming. Well here it is.

It is time to choose. Will you license yourself with the federal government and be subject to revocation, harassment, confiscation, imprisonment, and death? Or, will you refuse to license and risk the same?

Buckle up people; I smell a war.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Obama Should Fail

Below is my response to the Democrats attempt to silence Rush Limbaugh.

Obama should fail. His policies will enslave the American people if he succeeds. You democrats simply do not understand freedom. Government should leave us alone and allow us to pursue life, liberty, and happiness without governing every aspect of our lives.

Your taxes, environmental polices, and entitlement programs will destroy this country. Are you so stupid as to actually believe that the solution to our problems is more regulation and oppression when it is that regulation and oppression that created our problems in the first place?

You are not fooling everyone. Many of us understand your game of creating problems, blaming the spineless Republicans for those problems, and then saving the world from those problems. Stop legislating and our problems and go away. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.

Rush Limbaugh and others like him will never be silenced. No matter how much you try to destroy freedom in this country, you will fail.

Your Gestapo tactics at silencing the opposition like Rush will backfire on you. You will have only yourselves to blame when another Ronald Reagan emerges from the ashes of the destruction you cause.

Obama will fail and this country will be better off when he does.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Power to the People!!!

Saving energy is ludicrous. In a stupid effort to go green, for example, Great Britain has already banned 100 watt incandescent light bulbs and the plazma TV.

Let me say this as clearly as I can. We should not be working so hard to save energy. Saving energy allows government to pass oppressive and expensive laws which effectively control every aspect of your life in one way or another. They will decide if you can have light and then how much and when you can have it. They will decide how large your refrigerator will be if they allow you to own one at all. And they will decide how much air conditioning (if any) you will get in the summer and how much heat (if any) you will get in the winter. My advice -- buy a sweater.

The answer to an energy shortage is so much easier that saving energy anyway. Simply produce more energy. But not government. People. If more people had privately owned power sources all energy shortages would be solved. Power would flow cheaper and easier than it does now and no one could control your power usage except for you.

An average household could meet all its needs and more with solar and wind power if the government would allow it. We would be free from the grid, free from government control of our power usage amount, and free from someone else dictating the types of devices we could use.

A government is a dictatorship when it oppresses the people with ridiculous laws aimed at a problem the government itself created when a better, cheaper, and less oppressive solution is available. As long as government controls your energy they control you.

Welcome to the dark ages.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Consumer Safety = Consumer Oppression

As of February 10, 2009 you will no longer be able to buy used or inexpensive toys or clothing. Deseret Industries and the Salvation Army Thrift Stores are effectively dead. Watch for eBay sellers to be criminally prosecuted too. Civil penalties are $100,000 per violation with criminal fines also available. Violators can also expect up to five years in prison and forfeiture of their assets even if they were not aware of the violations.

The reason for this outrageous oppression is that the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act will be in place and bans the sale of anything that is for children that has not been extensively tested for lead. The ban includes even wood and other natural products that cannot possibly contain lead.

Read this article to see just how far this ludicrous law goes.

The only way to comply with the law is to test the products or target the products for adults. Expect your action figures to either cost ten times their current price, disappear completely, or to come with removable genitals to avoid the testing requirement.

Personally, I am really excited to see whether or not the LDS Church closes every Deseret Industries in the country or whether they operate in violation of this new law. My guess is that by February 10th there will be exceptions in place so the Church can avoid the issue but I will be watching closely either way.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hillary's Appointment to Secretary of State is Illegal

According to the media and your Congress Hillary can serve as Secretary of State even though the United States Constitution says she can't.

I have said it before and I will say it again, the Constitution is not hanging by a thread. IT IS DEAD. The Emoluments Clause prevents Hillary from serving. Period. Congress justifies ignoring the Constitution on the grounds that they lowered Clinton's pay. That is not what the Constitution says. It completely bars her.

The Media love this blatant violation. Notice that the headline of the attached article redirects your attention from the illegality of the appointment to her salary amount. They totally gloss over the illegality of Congress' action. Then, in the text they call the Emoluments Clause "obscure" as if that somehow means it doesn't count.

Reagan refused to appoint Orrin Hatch to the Supreme Court based on the Emoluments Clause. He understood and upheld the Constitution. Plus, he probably knew Hatch was a power hungry bonehead, but I digress.

Apparently no one else cares about that irritating Constitution. Why don't we just burn the damn thing already? Its ashes won't have any less meaning that its now "obscure" and totally meaningless words.