Wednesday, July 22, 2009

ObamaCare: Either Way, I Will Never Pay

Under Obama's socialized medicine plan, people who choose not to not use it will be fined up to $1000.00 per year. Excuse me? Fined? For not using a government service?

Under Senate Health Care Plan, Either Way you Pay

Seriously, is there anyone, anywhere who actually thinks it is moral to force a person to use a government service he does not want and personally finds completely immoral?

I won't pay this fine. EVER. And I won't sign up or ever use government health care. This is my stand. Fine me and then incarcerate me for not paying the fine. No problem. I can sit in a prison cell for the rest of my life costing the government tens of thousands of dollars every year but I will not sell my soul.

The founding fathers would never pay this fine and I will never pay this fine.