Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Abortion in Obamacare = No More Murderous Choice Morons

I want to make a point that I have not been hearing anyone else discuss.

The liberals adamantly and even violently fought for the last 40 years to keep government out of their health care (abortion) choices. Now, for some inexplicable reason they want government to decide all of your health care decisions? An illogical move to say the least.

Don't they understand that under Obamacare their right to murder their babies will be governed completely and totally by government? And, as written, judicial oversight over the government decisions is prohibited. Obamacare completely ends the right to abortion and worse, it explicitly preempts any further judicial oversight of the issue. Under Obamacare, Roe v. Wade is as dead as a 12 week fetus in a promiscuous liberal woman with a promising career ahead of her.

They fought for the right to choose and now they fight against the right to choose. Are liberals really this stupid?