Monday, June 20, 2011


I will not mince words here. President Obama is committing treason.

Under the War Powers Resolution Obama had 60 days to commit American military forces to Libya and 30 more days to withdraw those forces if he could not obtain congressional approval for such aggression. The 90-day deadline expired today and his is not budging.

This is treason. Sending our military anywhere and engaging in war fighting without the approval of the people (e.g. congress) has to be considered treason. If not, then what is it? Regardless of the excuses and arguments on both sides of this issue the answer is clear to me. This is treason. Obama's actions here are the very definition of a high crime against the people of this country and its rules of law. And Libya is not the victim here, the American people are the victims.

Imagine if George Bush had done exactly this same thing. Then I would hardly be alone in my cry of treason. The media, Hollywood, and every democrat in the country would be agreeing with me and demanding for heads to roll. Literally. I guess illegal and treasonous are concepts based in the eye of the beholder when Satan rules the country.

Seriously, if Obama is not impeached, removed from office, and tried as a war criminal for this (he won't be) then Congress has become irrelevant, the people of this country have become irrelevant, and America has truly dissolved into a dictatorship.