Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Too Old to Trick-or-Treat -- By Law?

I have read several articles in the last couple of days discussing trick-or-treating by teenagers. Some cities have passed laws making it illegal if over a certain age. To them I say thank you for proving my long-standing argument that America is a tyranny rather than the free society it claims to be.

I also make this declaration. If my town, or any city within 50 miles bans trick-or-treating for ANY age I will go door to door on Halloween even though I am well above any age they would set for the limit. Notice how I did not say I would go trick-or-treating. Instead of going "trick-or-treating," I will dress in a costume, knock on doors randomly, and say "what's up" while holding out a pillow case. I will also make certain to conduct one of these visits at the houses of any legislator who votes for an age ban on trick-or-treating in the hopes of getting arrested for violating the oppressive ban.

Now don't get me wrong. I don't like teens trick-or-treating either but I want them to decide for themselves how old is too old.

And seriously, these kinds of laws are never really thoughtfully considered. These idiot politicians just react without thinking in a ridiculous effort to control EVERYTHING. What if my teenager is mentally disabled and has the mental age of a child? Do these bans exempt them? What about my teenager taking smaller kids around? Is that illegal? What about me taking my kids trick-or-treating? Is that illegal?

The line of how old is too old should be drawn by the individual, not government.

Monday, October 18, 2010

What Is the Deal With All the Gum?

NFL Football coaches ALL chew gum during the game. Why? What's the deal?

As I go about my typical day I hardly ever see men chewing gum. It is very rare.

This one makes no sense to me at all.

And by the way, the Titans just shellacked the Jaguars and I want to complain about it. Now, I don't care one bit about either of these teams but I do care about TV sucking. And this sucked.

Jacksonville had the most incoherent play calls I have seen in a long time and so many missed opportunities and outright errors it makes your head spin. These guys were playing like a hastily assembled kids game in the neighborhood rather than like a professional team.

And, for the record, both coaches were chomping away on gum the entire game.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Tyranny is the New Freedom

I am seriously considering writing a book about the true tyranny that has taken over this country. And why not, with a readership as large as this blog has (3 confirmed subscribers) the market is already in place. Levity aside, it really is time for this country to wake up to its state of servitude.

I have said it before and I will say it to my dying breath, taxing income is tyranny. There is no getting around that fact. To add to that I will declare that government prohibiting the free movement and expression of its subjects (citizens is no longer the appropriate term to describe Americans) is further proof of the tyranny we endure.

We cannot speak publicly without first obtaining a permit from the government. That permit always includes a fee and limits the time and manner of our speech. Needing government permission to speak is hardly an earmark of a free country.

The same is true for movement. To travel, even small distances, you need a license from the government (with its accompanying fees) to drive, your car requires a license and its ownership taxed, the gas you need is even heavily taxed. Once you get in your car the taxes and government control continue. You are required to wear a seat belt under penalty of law, even if no accident occurs, and I can't count how many other government taxes and controls are hidden in the production, transportation, and sale of the car itself.

Try accessing a national park and you will have to first seek government approval and pay a tax. In Utah, there are actually roads you cannot go at all unless you ride the government bus. No personal cars allowed? When did that happen? I paid for that road and now I can't even use it. Tyranny at its best.

Want to ride a bike to get around the government permission issue and you will be sadly surprised. Many, if not all, municipalities require you to license your bike. Many also require you to wear a helmet whether you want one or not.

Now let me point out just how absurd the government micromanagement of its subjects has become. In Philadelphia the police are now spot-checking your car to see if you locked it and they are fining you if you don't. If you are not outraged by that then it is too late to write my book. What free people would allow government agents to randomly check their door handles and then fine them for not locking the door? None.

I will lock my door if I choose and I will leave it unlocked if I choose. ITS MY CAR! Anyone who thinks the government should have a right to check my door is mentally unstable. Sorry, Fourth Amendment, you are no longer needed. And then to add a fine? Who would support such an oppressive control? Only a tyrant, that's who.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Make me President Already

I am so sick of this country making excuses and pandering to each other politically. Make me President and I will fix it all.

War: Lets WIN these wars in the Middle East. Notice I did not say end. That is not viable for this President. My plan is to send 250,000 troops now. We stop waiting around and we stop debating. We also start actually taking out the enemies when we can. No more letting them go just because they are at a funeral with a few civilians. Yes it's cold but it also time. In World War Two England carpet bombed entire cites killing tens of thousands of civilians. That is too far, but killing a few civilians who closely associate with terrorists is not necessarily a bad thing. If that is too harsh, fine. Instead we can level entire cities. Civilians be warned. If you stay you are considered an enemy. I did not start this war but I sure as hell can end it in victory. The entire world can piss on Obama's country but NOBODY messes with my United States.

Illegal Immigration: I would CLOSE our borders. We would build a massive fence, patrol the oceans, and bunker bust any tunnels. Building a few military bases with bombing ranges on the border wouldn't hurt either. As for illegals already here. That's easy. Send them to Mexico and bill the Mexican government $10,000 per person. As long as Mexico knows we will actually collect on those bills (they have oil and gold) they will erect fences and guard their own border for a change. Yes. I know many illegals are not Mexican. Do I can? No. Mexico is where they go because that is where most of them cross over. It is that simple. This should be as much Mexico's problem as it is ours. Did I mention that NOBODY messes with my United States.

Education: Now states can choose what they want here but federal funding only goes to schools that teach the fundamental founding principles of this country in a historically accurate manner. This country was founded on Christian centered Capitalism, period. We are not Communist, Socialist, or Fascist and we will not allow our federal tax dollars to teach otherwise. We must also go back to the basics teaching primarily history, math, English, and science. No more socializing our children to fit a political agenda. No more global warming or diversity requirements.

Taxes: My first act as President is to abolish all forms of income and capital gains taxation. It is evil in its purest form to tax (i..e. punish) productivity. Especially when that money is taken at gunpoint (IRS) and redistributed to the idol through various entitlement programs. Indeed, these programs create generations of people who are adults in age only and suck the system dry. These infants are wholly dependent on government for their very survival. Only a dictator would consider that to be a good thing.