Tuesday, June 2, 2009

25% Federal Sales Tax is Red Herring

Our national government is trying to pass a national sales tax of 25%. They call it a value added tax. I call it complete crap.

First, this tax is a red herring. Democrats ask for a 25% tax because all they want is some tax. Even 1% would satisfy them because they only want to plant a seed. They want the American people to get used to a national tax so they can increase it later. Republicans are so stupid that, rather than fight such a tax to the death as our founders would have done, they will compromise and call it their victory when only a 5% national sales tax is actually passed. Democrats are puppetmasters to be sure.

Second, a national sales tax will destroy what is left of our economy. Consumption will plummet and more people will begin trading for goods. The black markets will flourish.

Third, a small (read .25% or so) national sales tax would be a fine idea IF THERE WERE NO OTHER FEDERAL TAXES AND THE TAX ITSELF IS PERMANENTLY CAPPED. As long as there are other federal taxes being drawn no national sales tax should be imposed.

Fourth, once a national sales tax is imposed it will never be taken away. If you have no other reason to oppose a national sales tax this should do it. Government takes but it never really gives anything back. Any politician who claims the sales tax is temporary should have his lobotomy reversed. Even a stupid child would understand that if the government gets people to pay anything they will always have to pay something.

Finally, politicians may try to drop the national sales tax and instead push for taxes on production and importation of goods. This is the same thing. Companies do not pay taxes. Their customers do. Increase the costs of production, transportation, or any other aspect of providing goods and services and the company will increase its prices. This is basic economics.

The bottom line is that a national sales tax is tyranny. The actual point is who cares? Our government is almost completely corrupt in every way and our citizenry is so apathetic, uneducated, and patently stupid that freedom is doomed.

Any form of taxation at gunpoint is tyranny.